Page 148 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 148

STS535 Edsel A. P. et al.
                  the  World  Statistics  Congress  (WSC)  in  Kuala  Lumpur  and  in  future

                  2.  Proposed Joint Modeling Approach
                     Consider a subject or unit in a biomedical, engineering, or socio-economic
                  setting which is monitored over time. This unit will be monitored over a period
                  [0, ], where  could either be fixed in advance or it could also be random.
                  Associated with this unit will be a covariate vector, denoted by , representing
                  relevant demographic features. Of main interest is to determine the health
                  status of this unit over time. This will be represented by a process   = {() ∶
                     ≥  0}  which  takes  values  in  a  finite  state  space    =   ∪    where
                  elements of   are transient states, whereas those in    are absorbing states.
                  These  absorbing  states  may  correspond  to  different  competing  terminal
                  events, e.g., deaths due to competing causes. The lifetime of this unit will then
                                        = {  ≥  0 ∶  () ∈   }.

                  Aside from this health status process, there will also be associated with this
                  unit a longitudinal marker process, the second component, represented by
                    = {() ∶    ≥  0},  which  takes  values  in  a  finite  state  space   .  This
                  marker process provides information about the health status of the unit and
                  vice-versa. At any given point in time, the unit will be in one of these states in
                  . The third component in our setting is the presence of several  types of
                  recurrent  events.  The  occurrences  of  these  recurrent  events,  which  are
                  competing with each other, will be tracked by a
                  multivariate counting process  = {() ∶   ≥ 0} which takes values in ℤ   ,
                  where   = {0,1,2, . . . }. Similarly  to  the  marker  process,  the  recurrent  event
                  process is also affected by the health status process and vice-versa, and there
                  will also be synergistic interaction between the marker and the recurrent event
                  processes.  Another  important  feature  governing  such  systems  is  the
                  performance  of  an  intervention  at  each  recurrent  event  occurrence  which
                  impacts the subsequent rate of occurrences of these recurrent events.
                     A bio-medical situation where this setting occurs is that where the health
                  status  () of a patient could be in the state space  = {  = healthy,  =
                  diseased,  = dead} so that 1 = {  } and 0 = {,  }. Thus,   is an absorbing
                                                   1 2
                  state. The blood pressure () marker process () could take values in the
                  state  space  =  {   =  Normal   ,    =  Low   ,   =  High    }.  The
                  competing recurrent events could be hospitalizations due to different causes
                  or ailments.
                     We shall denote by   = { ∶    ≥  0} the filtration or history governing
                  this unit. Thus, all the stochastic processes considered, such as , , , etc.,
                  will  be  adapted  to  this  filtration.  To  mathematically  simplify  our  modeling
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