Page 156 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 156

STS538 Rameshwar S.
                      Table 1: Some Indicators of six countries focused in the paper
                   Some          Ghana      Sierra  Gambia         BVI     USVI        India
                   Indicators               Leone
                   Population    28,800      7,400     2,100        32       107  1,135,000
                   in (‘000)
                   GDP    per      2,046      510        709    34,200    37,000       1,050
                   head ($)
                   Annual            9.0      17.1        6.4      2.1       1.0        2.05
                   (%)          (Jan-19)  (Jan-19)  (Dec-18)                        (Jan-19)

                      The data collection and compilation of CPI in Ghana is done by the Ghana
                  Statistical Service (GSS). The Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), the predecessor
                  of GSS was responsible for it since 1963. The CPI covers the whole country,
                  both urban and rural areas of all ten regions. There are 242 goods and services
                  in the basket. In 2003 on the advice of an IMF Consultant, the data collection
                  was done twice a month instead of once per month before. Forty markets,
                  made up of 9 urban and 31 rural markets have been sampled in the country.
                  For each item, six price quotations are taken in the urban market and three in
                  the rural market. Ghana concluded in a paper presented at UNECE and ILO CPI
                  conference that there is not much to gain from the two readings vis-à-vis cost
                  and quality of data. Collecting prices once per month would be 50% less and
                  supervision will be more effective.
                  Sierra Leone
                      Efforts to construct a CPI in Sierra Leone date as far back as 1941, however,
                  a  systematic  attempt  on  scientific  lines  started  with  the  quarterly  CPI  for
                  Freetown. This CPI that was led by the Ministry of Labour covered low income
                  earning families with the weight base as 1951. Later the Ministry revised the
                  CPI with 1961 as the base. This index covered African families of two or more
                  persons  with  no  earner  receiving  more  than  £20.00  (or  Leone  40.00)  per
                  month. In 1973, the work of compilations of CPI was transferred to the Central
                  Statistics Office (CSO). The revision of CPI for Freetown with base 1978=100
                  was published in August 1984.
                      According to Sierra Leone CPI Report 2012 by Statistics Sierra Leone (SSL,
                  CSO renamed) published in September 2013, inflation was being monitored
                  on  a  monthly  and  annual  basis.  The  composite  CPI  was  computed  as  a
                  weighted average of the different center sub-indices. The expenditure weights
                  were obtained from the 2003/04 Sierra Leone Integrated Household Survey
                  (SLIHS) Income and Expenditure Module. The CPI basket covered a total of 400

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