Page 218 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 218

STS541 Arturo B. E.
                  as  for  the  incorporation  of  this  important  topic  into  the  global  statistical

                  Affectations, strategies, prevention, risks, accidents.

                  1.  Introduction
                      The National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI-Mexico), has its
                  legal  framework  in  the  Law  of  the  National  System  of  Statistical  and
                  Geographical  Information,  which  empowers  it  to  carry  out  many  actions
                  related to the prevention and attention of emergencies or catastrophes caused
                  by natural disasters.
                      The actions carried out by INEGI have focused mainly on designing and
                  generating information on companies, highlighting three strategies: i) Design
                  and  update  of  the  master  sample  of  companies;  ii)  Conducting  specific
                  surveys,  and  iii)  Instrumentation  of  the  Collaborative  Site  for  Disaster
                      In  the  development  of  this  great  statistical  effort,  many  ministries  and
                  administrative  units  have  a  relevant  participation  related  to  the  subject,
                  corresponding to INEGI the important task of coordinating and regulating the
                  required statistical and geographic activities.
                      In this document, details of the actions in statistical matters related to the
                  prevention and attention of natural disasters that INEGI has headed are shown.
                  Its objective is to share the Mexican experience with the National Statistical
                  Offices of the world, to favor a permanent exchange of good practices that
                  allow the authorities of the countries to better face the challenges posed by
                  the risks derived from natural disasters.

                  2.  Legal framework that governs statistical and geographical activities
                      In  April  of  2018,  the  Law  of  the  National  System  of  Statistical  and
                  Geographic Information (by its acronym in Spanish LSNIEG)  was published,
                  through which the National System of Statistical and Geographic Information
                  (by its acronym in Spanish SNIEG) was created, whose main objective is to
                  supply society and to the State information of quality, pertinent, truthful and
                  opportune, in order to contribute to the national development. Its guiding
                  principles  are  those  of  accessibility,  transparency,  objectivity  and
                      INEGI, within the framework of the LSNIEG, is an autonomous public body
                  of the Mexican State, responsible for regulating and coordinating the SNIEG.
                  Also, in accordance with the principles governing the System, the INEGI carries

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