Page 311 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 311

STS547 Owen A.
               current population statistics system is underpinned by the decennial Census,
               which is expensive and is arguably becoming increasingly unwieldy as a source
               of data in a rapidly evolving society and with ever increasing demands for
               more timely, relevant statistics. The system is also highly reliant on a port-
               based survey to measure migrant flows to and from UK, with the result that
               the intercensal population size estimates tend to have an increasing element
               of bias. The ONS is therefore researching how it can transform its population
               statistics system within that context (ONS, 2018), and the most important part
               is the estimation of population size.
                   This  paper  will  discuss  the  application  of  a  number  of  approaches  to
               population size estimation, applied to an administrative based system. These
               approaches  are  all  based  on  capture-recapture  methods  which  have  been
               used  to  measure  undercoverage  within  the  UK  Census.  The  assumptions
               underpinning  such  methods  can  be  altered  to  suit  different  scenarios,  for
               instance when over-coverage becomes more of an issue. However, one does
               not get something for nothing and whilst some options are less sensitive to
               over-coverage, they are more sensitive to failures in other assumptions.
                   Firstly,  the  context  within  the  UK  statistical  system  is  briefly  described,
               followed by a high level view of the current framework for transformation. The
               presentation will discuss the different flavours of dual-system estimation in
               use  across  National  Statistical  Institutes  for  estimating  population  size,
               including the Bayesian approaches developed by Statistics New Zealand, and
               where they differ in terms of the assumptions that underpin each application.
               The research into exploring these methods in the UK context will be outlined,
               with some early results.
                   Figure 1 shows the high level of view of transformation plans in the lead
               up to and immediately after the 2021 Census. The principle is to try to produce
               the best possible population statistics every year using all available sources,
               whilst moving away from reliance on large scale data collection activities like
               the Census. In 2022 and 2023, the quality of the statistical outputs will feed
               into  the  decisions  around  whether  a  large-scale  data  collection  (not
               necessarily a census) will be required in 2031.

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