Page 380 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 380

STS551 Yousif Alyousifi et al.
                     For statistical modelling, the hourly API values are analysed in order to
                  determine  the  air  pollution  conditions  for  seven  main  cities  in  the  central
                  region of Peninsular Malaysia for a three-year period from 2012 to 2014. In
                  this study, the data of air pollution index is classified into a three-state Markov
                  chain model, namely, (0 < API ≤ 100), (101 < API ≤ 200), (API > 200), which
                  correspond to moderate, unhealthy and very unhealthy  states respectively,
                  representing the three different levels of air quality.

                  3.2 Empirical Bayesian Estimation of the Transition Probability Matrix
                        In the analysis of the multinomial data, as in this study, we frequently seek
                  to provide a count matrix with smoothed cell frequencies. In the studies by
                  (Seal &Hossain 2015; Rodrigues & Achcar 2012; Meshkani & Billard 1992),
                  Dirichlet prior has been proposed as a conjugate prior for the parameters of
                  the multinomial distribution. In this section, the determination of the empirical
                  Bayes  estimator  will  be  carried  out  for  the  multinomial  distribution  with
                  parameters   = ( ,  ,· · · ,  ), for all  = 1, 2,· · · ,  under the assumption
                  of conjugate Dirichlet prior. Let  = ( ,  , … ,  ) denotes the row vector
                  of the transition count matrix  = [ ], which is an observed random sample
                  that  is  assumed  to  follow  the  multinomial  distribution  with  parameter
                  vector    ∀  .  The  parameter  vector   is  assumed  to  follow  the  Dirichlet
                  conjugate prior with parameter  = ( , … ,  ) for all i = 1, 2,· · · , k, which is
                  a natural conjugate prior for the multinomial observations. Accordingly, we
                              = ( ,  , … ,  )~ Multinomial ( ;  ,  … ,  ),
                  where      = ( ,  , … ,  )~ Dirichlet ( , … ,  )   for all i = 1, 2, ... , k. It
                  can be shown that  the posterior pdf can be written as
                                                     Γ(∑ =1 ( +  )      +   −1
                              ( | ,  )   =  ∏ [                       ]                 (1)
                                                     ∏   Γ ( +  )    
                                             =1     =1    
                  3.3 Characteristics of Air pollution
                  3.3.1 The Mean Residence Time of Air Pollution
                            Let  represent  the  transition  probability  of  a  discrete-time  Markov
                  chain { ,  = 0, 1, 2, … , } from state i to state j and   is the residence time
                  for any state j and h is the number of hours. The probability of observing h
                  hour of residence time is given by

                              Pr( = ℎ) =  ( )   (1 −  )                                                        (2)
                  Then the mean residence time for any air pollution state j is given by
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