Page 381 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 381

STS551 Yousif Alyousifi et al.
                                                              ( | ) =                                                                (3)
                                                (1−  )
            3.3.2 The Steady-State Probability of Air Pollution
                      Suppose that { ,  = 0, 1, 2, … , } be a discrete-time Markov chain with
            state space S, and let P be the transition probability matrix of the Markov
            chain. A vector  = [ ⋯  ]  is said to be the steady-state probability of air
            pollution state if elements of  are non-negative and satisfy the conditions
             = ∑  =1      and ∑  =1  = 1 ,  = 1, 2, … , , indicating that the proportion
            of time in which the stochastic process stays in a particular state. In a matrix
            form, the linear equations system of the equation above can be solved based
            on the following form
                                              = [( − ) + ]  ,  = [ ]                                         (4)
            where I is an identity matrix, E is a unit matrix, e is a unit vector and [( − ) +
            ] is a nonsingular matrix (Kulkarni 2011; Tijms 2003; Sanusi 2014). If the
            value of   is high, then the probability of occurrences of state j is high.

            4.  Results and Conclusion
                The mean residence time (MRST), which describes the duration for each
            state  of  air  pollution  event,  is  determined.  It  can  be  seen  that  most  areas
            experienced MRST for the moderate state to be approximately between 288
            to 2359 hours, while for unhealthy and very unhealthy states, the duration of
            the MRST is shorter, approximately between 4 to 28 and between 2 to 32 hours
            respectively.  This  implies  that,  on  the  average,  the  moderate  air  pollution
            condition is expected to occur longer than the unhealthy and very unhealthy
            air pollution conditions in the study areas.
                The  steady  state  probability  values  (SSP)  of  air  quality  status  for  each
            station are determined to represent the long-term probability of occurrence
            of a particular air pollution state. It can be seen that the probabilities of the air
            pollution  states  (unhealthy  and  very  unhealthy  states)  slightly  varies,  with
            values of from 0.00008 to 0.03026 and for moderate state the average value
            is  0.975.  Therefore,  most  areas  have  a  high  probability  of  being  in  the
            moderate state as opposed to unhealthy and very unhealthy states.
                In this study, it is demonstrated that the empirical Bayes method could
            successfully smoothed out the zero probability in the transition probability
            matrices.  In  addition,  it  also  provides  a  more  precise  probability  values  as
            opposed to those found based on maximum likelihood method.

            1.  Alyousifi, Y., Masseran, N., & Ibrahim, K. (2017). Modeling the stochastic
                dependence of air pollution index data. Stochastic Environmental
                Research and Risk Assessment, 1-9.

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