Page 363 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 363

STS1080 Karina G. et al.

            in his menu, even in he dislikes, when there is no other alternative. This will be
            internally managed by introducing penalization or bonification of associated

            2.5. Cultural Eating Styles
                There is a cultural factor in the nutrition habits of a person according to
            where the person lives. For instance, in a Mediterranean country, the breakfast
            often is more caloric and less proteic, the lunch concentrates more proteins,
            and dinner can concentrate more vegetables or fruits. In the Anglo-Saxon-
            style breakfast tends to be more proteic, lunch is light with vegetables and not
            much calories, and dinner more proteic. Diet4you can manage this contextual
            knowledge  in  the  composition  of  menus  by  getting  Diet-Styles  in  form of
            tables with probability distribution of food or nutrients families conditioned
            to  a  variable  number  of  meals  per  day.  From  this  information  the  general
            nutritional plan is divided into sub-plans for each specified meal (breakfast,
            lunch and dinner for example). The personal menu planer is building local
            menus for each meal and guarantees that the whole resulting menu fits the
            global nutritional plan originally prescribed.

            2.6. Personal Menu Planner
                The personal menu planner (PMP) is mainly implemented following the
            cycle of Case-Based Reasoning. Given a nutritional plan for a certain individual
            i: νi = <Fi, Ti, Qi>, and considering that the Fi vector contains the N families of
            food resulting from a certain level of granularity determined in the reference
            food ontology:
                1.  Pre-processing step. Pre-process the DB in order that all food families
                    have equivalent units in Kcal and build the transformed data base Food
                    Proportions  Data  Base  (FPDB).  The  FPBD  contains  either  prepared
                    dishes or simple foods d with
                •   = ( , … ,   ),   being the proportion of food family 
                    contained in one standard portion of dish ( = 1: ).
                •    is the quantity associated to one standard portion of dish d, in
                    grams or cups or the corresponding measurement unit.
                2.  Retrieval  step.  pd  is  a  vector  of  proportions  and  thus,  it  is  directly
                    comparable  with  Fi.  .The  Euclidean  distance  is  suitable  to  compare
                    composition of two dishes through their pd . FPDB is used as the case
                    base to identify candidate dishes with pd close to Fi prescribed in the
                    targeted  nutritional  plan.  Sort  the  elements  in  FPBD  into  =
                    { () | ()    ( () ,  ) ≤  ( (+1) ,  ). Candidates  will  be
                    in the first positions of   and recommended menu is composed
                    by using iCG strategy (iterative Candidates Generation)  validated in
                    previous works [CCIA 2017, CCIA 2018]. At each iteration, the candidate

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