Page 366 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 366

STS1080 Karina G. et al.

                  Support  system.  Clustering,  basic  statistics,  profiling  analysis  based  on
                  inferencial tests, conditional distributions management, probabilized distance
                  based  methods  and  statistical  fitting  are  combined  with  ontology
                  management,  prior  expert  knowledge,  automatic  interpretation  and  case
                  based  reasoning  to  address  the  complexity  of  personalized  diets
                      To the best of our knowledge the current Diet4You systems is the first
                  system  integrating  all  these  personalization  items  together  in  the
                  recommendation  of  menus  according  to  nutritional  prescriptions  which,  in
                  turn come from standard types of diets observed in population and tipified
                  through clustering techniques by the Nutritional Plan Generator component.
                  Currently the automatic generation of the Nutritional prescription according
                  to the results of NPG component is being addressed and specific metrics to
                  measure the nutritional quality of the recommendation regarding nutritional
                  prescription are being developed.

                      This  work  has  been  partially  supported  by  project  Diet4You  (TIN2014-
                  60557-R),  and  the  Consolidated  Research  Group  Grant  from  AGAUR
                  (Generalitat  de  Catalunya,  cataalan  government)  IDEAI-UPC  (AGAUR

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                      role of significance tests in consistent interpretation of nested partitions."
                      Journal of computational and applied mathematics 292 (2016): 623-633.
                  6.  B. Sevilla-Villanueva, K. Gibert, and M. Sànchez-Marrè. Generating
                      complete menus from nutritional prescriptions by using advanced cbr
                      and real food databases. In Recent advances in AI research and
                      development, v 300: 166–175. IOSPress, Jan 2017.
                  7.  B. Sevilla-Villanueva, K. Gibert, M. Sànchez-Marrè. Intelligent
                      Management of measurement units equivalences in food databases. In
                      procs CAEPIA 2018. LNAI 11160: 1-11. Springer, Amsterdam. Oct 2018.
                  8.  Sevilla-Villanueva, K. Gibert, Sànchez-Marrè. Including hard restrictions
                      into Diet4You Menu Planner. Artificial Intelli-gence Research and

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