Page 59 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 59

STS563 Pete Jones

                           Developing an integrated survey for admin-
                          based population estimates and labour market

                                             Pete Jones
                                 Office for National Statistics, Fareham, UK

            Surveys are an essential component in the production of official statistics in
            the  United  Kingdom  (UK).  While  the  Office  for  National  Statistics  (ONS)  is
            transforming population, migration and social statistics with increased use of
            administrative  data,  an  Integrated  Survey  Framework  (ISF)  is  needed  to
            support the transition towards alternative sources of data in official statistics.
            One  of  the  major  ambitions  for  ONS  transformation  is  to  deliver  an
            Administrative Data Census for England and Wales after the next Census in
            2021. This will offer more frequent statistics for small area geographies, and
            the  potential  for  new  outputs  that  have  not  been  collected  in  previous
            censuses.  Having  published  research  outputs  highlighting  the  coverage
            patterns  in  administrative  data  population  estimates,  ONS  is  developing  a
            Population Coverage Survey (PCS) to measure and adjust for coverage errors
            in administrative records. With an anticipated annual sample size of 500,000
            households per annum, the scale of the proposed survey corresponds with
            sample size expectations for the future transformation of ONS social surveys.
            Given the scale of the proposed survey transformation at ONS, one of the
            central aims of the Integrated Survey Framework is to merge the PCS and LMS
            into a single integrated household survey. While there are significant overlaps
            in  the  data  collection  requirements  underpinning  these  two  surveys,
            establishing a sample design that can produce robust population estimates
            and labour market statistics remains a challenge. The current proposal is based
            on the concept of a ‘master wave’, where households are sampled using a two-
            stage stratified design. The master wave will be central to the future Integrated
            Survey Framework, provided a sampling frame for other ONS social surveys.
            This  paper  will  describe  the  principles  behind  the  ONS  Integrated  Survey
            Framework, research undertaken so far on the sample design for the LMS/PCS
            survey, and test plans to support its implementation between now and 2022.

            Population; administrative data; labour market; survey integration

            1.  Introduction
                The  Office  for  National  Statistics  (ONS)  is  working  towards  the
            transformation  of  the  population,  migration  and  social  statistics  system  in
            England and Wales. The Data Collection Transformation Programme (DCTP)

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