Page 55 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 55

STS560 James Houran et al.
            interviewer useful follow-up questions during behavioural interviews. We use
            the example of the 20|20 Skills assessment, which contains over 125 questions
            that  address  eleven  HR  related  factors,  including:  Leadership,  Ethical
            Awareness,  Service  Orientation,  Creativity,  Problem  Solving,  Self-Efficacy,
            Awareness of Diversity, Team-Building, Group Process, Company Loyalty, and
            Humour Appreciation (Houran & Lange, 2007; Lange & Houran, 2009). Each
            factor  was  assessed  via  ten  questions  using  a  4-point  rating  scale.  The
            assessment  also  contains  a  “Lie  Scale”  to  gauge  potential  impression
            management. The design and development of the 20|20 Skills™ assessment is
            based on collaborative effort between the School of Hotel Administration at
            Cornell University and two private companies (Integrated Knowledge Systems,
            Inc.  and  AETHOS  Consulting  Group,  Inc.).  Across  the  eleven  factors,  the
            average  reliability  was  0.84  (Median  =  0.82,  SD  =  0.04),  indicating  high
            reliability.  Inspection  of  items’  group-specific  residuals  indicated  that  item
            misfit (if any) cannot be attributed to age-, gender-, job-level-, or ethnicity-
            related biases.
                               Figure 3: 20|20 Skills Item-level Feedback map.

            Figure 3 shows an example where a hypothetical test-taker obtained an IRT
            scaled  score  of  87  -  which  is  a  linear  transform  of  Tj,  (in  Logits)  -  on  the
            Leadership  subscale.  Condensed  versions  of  the  10  Leadership  items  are
            shown on the left sorted in order of their difficulty Di (“easy” items occur near

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