Page 207 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 1
P. 207

CPS1280 Willard Z. et al.
                Kriging  is  a  stochastic  interpolation  method  which  is  used  to  map
            unsampled locations using the available data sets. It is also known as Wiener-
            Kolmogorov prediction (Robinson & Metternicht, 2003).  Given a point 0, the
            ordinary kriging estimator at 0 based on the data  (i) = 1, … ,  is defined
            as the linear unbiased estimator.
                              ( ) = ∑    ( )                                                      (4)
            of  ( )with  minimum  mean  square  prediction  error.  Where  i ∈  ℝ  is  the
            unknown weights corresponding with the influence of the variable ( ) in the
            computation of ( ) (Bonaventura & Castruccio, 2005).

            3.  Results
                The average monthly rainfall data was calculated based on the daily rainfall
            data collected by South African weather service (SAWS) for the period 1980 to
            2017 for 11 stations located near city of Cape Town as shown in the figure 1
            below. The analysis is based on the months May, June, July and August (MJJA)
            which is a winter period in South Africa and that is when most of Western Cape
            receives its rainfall. Rainfall  data from weather stations has challenge of having
            missing  data.  The  imputation  method,  multiple  imputation  by  chained
            equations (MICE) also known as multiple sequential regression imputation was
            used, which assumes missing at random. The R package ‘mice’ is used for
            imputation (Van Buuren & Groothuis-Oudshoorn, 2011).

             Figure 1. The location of Western Cape province in South Africa, its districts, the location of
                              weather stations and the square area under study.
                MK Test results for the stations are shown in table 1 below for the winter
            rainfall period for the selected stations in Western Cape. The table shows the
            z-statistic values for each month from May to August and the last column
            (MJJA) has values for the whole season.  Negative z-statistic shows that there

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