Page 232 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 1
P. 232
CPS1284 Rabeh M.
about 9% of the mean wage gap, so the highest percentage of wage
differential is due to discrimination effects. The detailed decomposition
shown in the same table reveal that general characteristics variables play the
main role in both explained and unexplained parts with being respectively
about -10% and 17.3% . Occupation dummies, being at the second place, are
found to explain 2% of the explained part and 4.33% of the unexplained one.
Table 1: Oaxaca decomposition results
(1) (2) (3)
VARIABLES Overall explained unexplained
Refugees 2.144***
Non -refugees 2.314***
difference -0.170***
explained -0.0801***
unexplained -0.0894***
General characreristics -0.0959*** 0.173*
(0.00833) (0.103)
Industry -0.00314 0.0208**
(0.00570) (0.00909)
Occupation 0.0189*** -0.0433*
(0.00418) (0.0222)
Constant -0.240**
Observations 16,953 16,953 16,953
Standard errors in parentheses
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
Table 2: Quantile decomposition results
10th 50th 90th
VARIABLES overall explaine unexplaine overall explaine unexplaine overall explaine unexplaine
d d d d d d
Refugees 1.128** 2.233*** 3.080**
* *
(0.0181) (0.0116) (0.0108
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