Page 231 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 1
P. 231

CPS1284 Rabeh M.
            in  that  they  entail  a  set  of  assumptions  and  computational  issues  (Fortin,
            Lemieux, & Firpo, 2010). In this regard, the Recentered Influence Function (RIF)
            regression approach recently suggested by Firpo, Fortin, and Lemieux (2009)
            addresses these weaknesses and provides a straightforward regression-based
            method  for  performing  a  detailed  decomposition  of  some  distributional
            statistics such as quantiles, variance, and other statistics. The RIF is the key
            concept  of  the  unconditional  quantile  regression,  the  recently  widely  used
            method of decomposition in the recent literature.
                For this analysis, RIF (,  ) is the function of explanatory variables:
                                  (RIF(,  )|X) =                                                        (3)
            Where    is the ℎ quantile and   is the vector of parameters associated to
             .  Because  RIF( ,  )  is  unobserved  in  practice,  we  use  the  estimated
                                   ( , ̂ ) = ̂ +  −1(  ≤ ̂  )                                         (4)
                                                        ̂ ( ̂  )
            Where   is the estimated marginal density function of Y and I is an indicator
                After estimating the model in equation (3) for the 10th(lowest percentile)
            to 90th(highest percentile) quantiles of the population, we use the obtained
            unconditional quantile regression estimates to decompose the different gaps
            into  a  component  attributable  to  differences  in  the  distribution  of
            characteristics (composition effect) and a component due to differences in the
            distribution of returns (wage structure) as follows:
                ̂ ,  − ̂ ̅ = ( , ̂ ) − ( ̅, ̂ ̅ ) = ( ̅ −  ̅ ) ̅ +  ̅ ( ̂ ,  −  ̅ )  (5)
                It  is  noteworthy  that  this  RIF-based  decomposition  permits,  after
            computing both the composition effect and discrimination effect throughout
            the wage distribution, to divide up the two effects into the contribution of
            each  explanatory  variable.  Moreover,  the  issue  resulting  from  the  use  of
            categorical predictors can also be straightforwardly resolved using the Yun's
            method (2005) of normalization.
                The  empirical  analysis  is  based  on  secondary  data  from  the  2016
            Palestinian  Labor  Force  Survey  (PLFS)  that  is  prepared  by  the  Palestinian
            Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS).  PLFS is available on an annual basis for
            each year from 1995 to 2016. The Palestinian Labour Force Survey Programme
            conducts  surveys  quarterly.  The  survey  provides  basic  information  on  the
            relative size and structure of the Palestinian labour force, and the components
            of employment, unemployment and time related underemployment.

            3.  Results
                The results of Oaxaca–Blinder decomposition in Table 1 reveals that on
            average, non-refugees earn 17% more wages than their refugees counterparts.
            The composition effect explained by differences in productivity characteristics
            presents 8.01% of the mean wage gap, while the discrimination effect explains

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