Page 38 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 1
P. 38
CPS694 Ordak Michal
Sentences like: ‘The study is conducted
using a t-test and an analysis of variance’.
Wrong statistical tests are used. T-test vs explanatory analyses.
The type of measuring scale is not taken
into account when choosing a test.
Parametric equivalents of tests are Non-equinumerous groups, i.e. the
performed even though assumptions experimental group and the control
are not met. group
Assumptions of regression analysis, such
as the correlation of predictors, are not
There is no detailed description of A chi-square relationship is generally
the results obtained. described without detailed examination
and description.
No validation of instruments and No calculated Cronbach's alpha
questionnaires coefficient
No valid explanation of outliers No including outliers in regression
Repeating the results of the analysis The same data in the form of tables,
several times graphs
No explanation of the changes in the Missing data
number of subjects
Wrong conclusions drawn on the Drawing conclusions, despite the use of
basis of the analyzes incorrect statistical Tests
Others No data on the recruitment of
participants, inadequate sample size,
unreadable list of variables, no clear
baseline demographic and clinical
Table 1 : Basic statistical errors made by authors in medical journals included in the ISI Master
Journals List between 2006 and 2018 (n=1500 publications).
During the last thirteen years, i.e. between 2006 and 2018, I carried out
25,300 statistical consultations in a group of students of various medical
majors. Almost 95% of respondents said that their insufficient knowledge of
statistical analysis result from four factors, namely:
- Exercises in medical statistics are conducted too quickly
Almost 95% of respondents stated that their insufficient knowledge about
the use of statistics in medical sciences resulted from the rapid conduct of
exercises during studies. Individual statistical tests are performed too quickly.
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