Page 39 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 1
P. 39

CPS694 Ordak Michal
            Instead of focusing on the use of specific statistical tests, students of medical
            faculties focus primarily on how to perform tests step-by-step. The time that
            should  be  devoted  to  becoming  familiar  with  the  application  of  a  specific
            statistical  test  is  spent  on  writing  down  in  stress  long  procedures  of
            performing individual statistical tests, checking assumptions, etc. This results,
            unfortunately, in the lack of knowledge of the subject of the course.
            -  Practical  application  of  individual  statistical  tests  is  not  sufficiently
                Respondents also stated that too little emphasis is put on the practical
            application of individual statistical tests, e.g. in the form of results published
            in medical journals. Greater pressure is put on details related to conducting
            individual tests using statistical packages. After mentioning in a few sentences
            what a specific statistical test is used for, teachers go straight to a series of
            activities that are difficult to note and remember in a short time.
            - A long break between classes in medical statistics and the performance
            of  statistical  analysis  for  the  purposes  of  M.A.  theses,  doctoral
            dissertations, publications, etc.
                A significant number of respondents also noticed that the break between
            classes in medical statistics and the necessity to perform statistical analysis of
            the  obtained  results  for  the  purposes  of  M.A.  theses,  doctoral  dissertations,
            publications,  etc.  was  too  long.  Very  often,  classes  in  medical  statistics  are
            conducted in the first year of various medical faculties, which only exacerbates
            problems related to statistical analysis in subsequent years. Students do not
            remember statistical analyses performed during classes as they are conducted
            too quickly. A significantly larger number of students ask a third person for help
            in  performing  the  statistical  analysis  of  the  results  obtained.  Usually,  this
            happens a few years after classes in medical statistics, which are conducted
            during the first or second year of study.
            - Increased stress during the exam in medical statistics associated with
            memorising hundreds of activities related to statistical testing.
                A  significantly  larger  number  of  respondents  stated  that  instead  of
            studying the application of individual statistical tests to a greater extent, they
            have problems remembering the long procedures of performing the analysis.
            The practical aspect of the use of statistical tests is of secondary importance.
            After the exam in medical statistics, stress is mainly evoked by the uncertainty
            of whether a statistical package has been successfully used. Despite the fact
            that  there  are  more  and  more  scripts  describing  particular  statistical  tests,
            according to the surveyed students, the majority of them are too detailed. It is
            necessary  to  develop  simple  scripts  showing  step  by  step  methods  of
            statistical analysis, along with the interpretation of the results obtained.

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