Page 208 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 3
P. 208

CPS1996 Ali Hebishi Kamel A. et al.
                      ratio of completed secondary education of individuals. Also it has high
                      effect of binary logistic regression of completed secondary education with
                      other independent variables such as gender of individuals, HH-size, place
                      of  residence  and  mother  education  status  according  to  results  of  the
                      model.  That  conclusion  answers  the  second  research  question  “Is  THE
                  •  From  first  and  second  analysis  there  is  a  relationship  between  income
                      inequality  and  education  disparities.  So  when  HH  moves  from  under
                      secondary education to completed secondary education the average of
                      income increases to 57305.2 from 38952.48 LE. according to the model.
                      which  means  the  increase  in  average  income  according  to  completed
                      secondary education compared to under secondary education is 18352.73
                      with 32.03%.
                  •  The inequality in income level related to disparities in education is 9% of
                      low-income  levels  have  individuals  completed  secondary  education
                      compared  to  30  %  of  high-income  levels  have  individuals  completed
                      secondary education. On the other hand disparitie in education related to
                      income is 14.7% of completed secondary education individuals have with
                      low  household's  income  compared  to  51.2%  of  completed  secondary
                      education individuals with high household's income (Figure 2).

                  5.   Discussion and Conclusion
                      This paper examines the relationship between income and education and
                  concludes that income has a significant impact on education disparities where
                  highly  income  households  have  better  opportunities  for  its  individuals  to
                  complete required education (indicated as secondary education in this study),
                  also the greater the inequality in the distribution of education, the greater the
                  inequality of income. So education has a strong impact on income than other
                  variables.  We  found  similar  results  from  previous  studies  that  income  and
                  education  have  importance  to  each  other.  This  paper  support  the  idea  of
                  improving  education  as  the  most  effective  tool  for  achieving  inclusive

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