Page 204 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 3
P. 204
CPS1996 Ali Hebishi Kamel A. et al.
A study of Brazil in 1977 revealed that higher income earners enjoyed
greater benefit from investment in education since their children had better
educational opportunities compared to those from lower income groups
(World Bank, 1977).
3. Methodology
Data Sources: This research used data of Household Income, Expenditure and
Consumption Survey 2015 and that survey conducted each two years. It
collected data about economic, social and demographic characteristics of
individual and households; in addition to their consumption, expenditure and
income patterns in Egyptian Society and also to identify the size of the gap to
help decision and policy makers to consider this information in planning.
Sample size is 25000 household distributed as 45% in urban and 55%
household in rural, allocated over all governorates (urban/rural) in proportion
to the size of each governorate. The data has Decoding, classification, editing,
validation and weight.
Software tools: The analysis done by R for statistical analysis program
Research Steps:
• Firstly, test the relation between total household income and education
level of household head by using multiple regression models.
• Secondly, test the relation between Completed secondary education of
individuals and total household income by using binary logistic
regression model.
• Finally, bring the results from step 1 and 2 to know the relation between
income inequality and disparities in education and the effects on each
Variables used in the study:
Variables Labels Codes
Tot_Inc Total net annually income of household Continues variable As Numeric
HH_sex Gander of HH Male=1,female=0
Hh_edu_lev Education level of HH Completed secondary=1
Under secondary=0
Urbrur Place of residence Urban=1,rural=0
HH_SIZE Size of household Continues variable as Numeric
HH_Disable Head of house hold have disability or not Disable=1, Non-disable=0
HH_age Age of HH Continues variable As Numeric
Edu_type Type of education Public=1, private=0
Gander Gander of individual Male=1, female=0
Poor Poverty status of individual according to Poor=1, Not poor=0
Egypt national poverty line
M_EduSt Level of education of individual’s mother Completed secondary=1
Under secondary=0
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