Page 343 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 343

CPS2258 Siti Norfadillah Md Saat et al.
               Y = real GDP
               X = number of healthcare travellers visit to Malaysia
               b and   = constant term
               t   = time trend
               ε   = error term.
                   We begin the analysis by investigate the stationarity of variables using the
               Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) unit root test. In addition, the optimal lag is
               chosen carefully using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC).
                   Unrestricted Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model is employed to determine
               short run relationship between the variables before the causality test. In this
               study, the Granger causality test is employed to investigate causal relationship
               between economic growth and the number of healthcare travellers. Granger
               introduced the concept of Granger causality in 1969 and it has been widely
               used  in  econometrics  studies  to  test  availability  and  the  direction  of  the
               causality (Granger, 1969). It is also necessary to do model diagnostics, in order
               to check whether the fitted model is appropriate.

               4.  Empirical Result and Discussion
                   Correlation analysis between Malaysia real GDP and healthcare travellers
               shows a very strong positive relationship (r = 0.88).
               4.1   Stationarity test
                   The ADF test for stationarity shows that healthcare travellers is stationary
               at level. Meanwhile, real GDP is stationary after it is converted into the first
               difference. The null hypothesis of non-stationary can be rejected when the p-
               value is less than a significant level of 5 per cent. The summary of ADF is in
               Table 2.

                               Table 2: Augmented Dickey Fuller Test Result
                   Variable               Stationary        t-stat        p-value
                   GDP                    First Difference   -5.094924     0.0026
                   Healthcare travellers   Level            -5.375531      0.0013
               Source: Author computation
               4.2   Optimal lag
                   Optimal  number  of  lags  is  conducted  using  appropriate  lag  length
               selection  criteria.  The  results  of  AIC  show  that  optimal  lag  is  three.  The
               summary is in Table 3.

                          Table 3: Optimal Lag: Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)
                                      Lag                       AIC
                                       2                      66.25504
                                       3                     66.13122*
                                       4                      66.43926
                             Source: Author computation

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