Page 344 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 344

CPS2258 Siti Norfadillah Md Saat et al.
               4.3    Unrestricted VAR Model
                   After stationary test of the variables and lag selection, the Unrestricted
               VAR model is employed to study short run relationship between real GDP and
               number of healthcare travellers. The results show that healthcare travellers do
               not  influence  real  GDP  of  Malaysia.  However,  for  healthcare  travellers  as
               dependent variable, there is positive relationship for healthcare travellers lag
               one and healthcare traveller (Table 4). One per cent increase in healthcare
               traveller lag one will result in 0.68 per cent increase in healthcare. However,
               healthcare travellers do not influence real GDP of Malaysia.

                                  Table 4: Unrestricted VAR Model Result
                Variables           Coefficient   Std. Error    t-Statistic   Prob.
                Dependent variable
                Healthcare          0.680065      0.281419      2.416556      0.0224
                Travellers lag 1
                    Source: Author computation
               4.4    Granger Causality Test
                   The  Granger  causality  test  result  (Table  5)  indicates  that  healthcare
               travellers Granger cause real GDP at one per cent significant level. Meanwhile,
               the real GDP doesn’t Granger cause healthcare travellers.

                                  Table 5: Granger Causality Tests Result
                   Null Hypothesis:                                 Chi-sq    Prob.
                   Healthcare Travellers does not Granger Cause GDP   15.35687  0.0015
                   GDP does not Granger Cause Healthcare Travellers   3.541802  0.3154
                           Source: Author computation
               4.5   Diagnostic Test
                   In this Unrestricted VAR model, R-square and F-statistics are significant.
               Serial correlation test is also conducted and the results show that there is no
               serial correlation (prob. 0.1177). Check on residual normality which use Jarque-
               Bera shows that the residual is normal (prob. 0.6235). Finally, Breush-Pagan-
               Godfrey  result  shows  that  there  is  no  residual  heteroskedasticity  (prob.

               5.  Conclusion
                   The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between real
               Malaysia’s GDP and healthcare travellers that visit to Malaysia. Unrestricted
               VAR model and Granger causality test technique are used in this study. The
               results  show  that  healthcare  traveller’s  lag  one  is  significant  to  explain
               healthcare travellers. This study also found there is no statistical evidence that
               healthcare  travellers  influence  real  GDP  of  Malaysia.  In  terms  of  causality,

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