Page 432 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 432

CPS2523 Christian E. Galarza et al.
                  2.  Methodology
                      We denote a random variable by an upper-case letter and its realization
                  by  the  correspondent  lower  case  and  use  boldface  letters  for  vectors  and
                  matrices. Let Ip represent a p×p identity matrix and a ones matrix respectively,
                  A> be the transpose of A, and |X| = (|X1|. . . . , |Xp|) > mean the absolute value
                  of  each  component  of  the  vector  X.  For  multiple  integrals,  we  use  the
                  shorthand notation

                  a.  The extended multivariate skew-normal distribution (ESN)
                      We say that a p × 1 random vector Y follows a ESN distribution with p × 1
                  location vector µ, p × p positive definite dispersion matrix Σ, a p×1 skewness
                  parameter vector λ ∈ R p , and shift parameter τ ∈ R, denoted by Y ∼ ESNp(µ,
                  Σ,λ, τ ), if its pdf is given by

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