Page 138 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 5
P. 138

CPS1145 Adeniji Oyebimpe Emmanuel et al.
                  2.  Methodology
                      We define rt as a (t x1) vector of assests log- returns up to time t that is:
                                                                 rt = t = tzt                             (1)

                  where zt follows a particular probability distribution, andt  is the square root
                  of  the  conditional  variance.  The  mean  equation  of  the  model  ie  the
                  deterministic aspect of the series follows Autoregressive Model, AR(p),
                                                          yt= 1 yt-1+ t                                                               (2)

                  the Standard GARCH (p,q) model by Bollerslev in (1986) is given as :


                  where  0  >  0,  i  ≥0  (for  i=1,  ---,  q),    j  ≥0  (for  j=1,  …,  p)  is  sufficient  for
                  conditional variance to be positive and stationarity.
                      To capture asymmetry observed in series, a new class of ARCH model was
                  introduced:  The  asymmetric  power  ARCH  (APARCH)  model  by  Ding  et’al
                  (1993), the exponential GARCH (EGARCH) model by Nelson (1991), the GJR by
                  Glosten  et  al.  (1993).  This  model  can  generate  many  model  when  the
                  parameters are relaxed and is expressed as:


                  where 0 > 0,  ≥0, i  ≥0, i =1,...q , -1 <i  <1, i=1,...q,j 0, j =1,… p
                      The i parameter permit us to catch the asymmetric effects. The conditional
                  standard  deviation  process  and  the  asymmetric  absolute  residuals  in  the
                  model  were  imposed  in  term  of  a  Box-transformation.  The  well-known
                  Leverage  effect  is  the  asymmetric  response  of  volatility  to  negative  and
                  positive shocks. Harvey (2013) developed three sets of volatility models that
                  take  into  account  robust  capturing  occasional  changes  in  financial  series
                  known as jumps, he considered the EGARCH and AEGARCH types of the Beta-
                  GARCH models each with two distributions assumptions applied.

                  The BetaEGARCH model specified without the leverage effect is given:

                  Introducing the leverage effect we have the Beta-AEGARCH model (ie EGAS):

                  where lt-1 =sgn (-zt )( µt+1) when student-t distribution is considered and lt-1
                  =sgn (-zt )( µt+1) for skewed student-t distribution. Again, combing the same
                  student-t with EGAS model leads to Beta-t AEGARCH ie AEGAS model.

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