Page 95 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 5
P. 95

CPS1108 Collins O. et al.
            4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                This work provides a unified formulation and comprehensive treatment of
            the  class  of  count  time  series  following  GLM  models  with  application  to
            maternal complication. An integral part of this model is the dependence on
            past values of the conditional mean, which allows for modelling of temporal
            correlation.  In  this  work  we  present  the  first  study  on  trends  of  maternal
            complications incorporating covariate effects (CeMOnC and BeMonC) within
            this framework. Quality care is a major determinant of health outcomes and is
            adversely affected when the health care facility is overcrowded with limited
            BeMonC  interventions.  Government  programmes  are  still  focusing  on
            antenatal  care,  high-risk  approach,  trained  birth  attendants  neglecting
            delivery care and EmOC. With the assumption of Poisson or Negative Binomial
            conditional  distribution  we  facilitate  model-based  prediction  and  model
            assessment.  We  utilize  likelihood-based  methods  for  model  fitting  and
            assessment, prediction and intervention analysis for this model.
                PPH  was  seen  in  10%  of  cases  and  haemorrhage  requiring  blood
            transfusion occurred in 3%. This is slightly higher than most literature review
            which reported a 6-8% rate of PPH and a 1-2% rate of blood transfusion.
                Quality  care  remains  a  major  determinant  of  health  outcomes  and  is
            adversely affected when the health care facility is overcrowded; a situation that
            is  common  in  resource-limited  setting.  Government  programmes  are  still
            focusing  on  antenatal  care,  high-risk  approach,  trained  birth  attendants
            neglecting  delivery  care,  basic  emergency  obstetric  and  new-born  care
            (BEmONC)  and  comprehensive  emergency  obstetric  and  new-born  care
            (CEmONC)  services.  Lack  of  facilities  to  perform  a  CS,  facilities  for  blood
            transfusion or paediatrician, with only one medical officer to look after all kinds
            of cases every day and the lack of transport facilities in remote places are some
            of  the  barriers  which  contribute  to  high  maternal  mortality.  Provision  of
            comprehensive emergency obstetric services within the reach of all pregnant
            women is one of the strategies employed to reduce the maternal mortality
            worldwide. The public is made aware of the availability of such services free of
            cost in government institutions.
                In  this  study,  we  have  observed  levels,  patterns,  and  trends  of  the
            utilization of maternal complications in the three major cities for the period
            Dec 2014 to Jan 2017. From this study, it can be said that the proportion of
            women who had eclamsia, APH, PPH and sepsis has increased over that past
            2  years.  Effects  of  interventions  were  significant  in  BeMOnC  compared  to
            CeMonC. Complication rates did not vary by maternal regions. Providers who
            perform obstetrical care should be alert to the high rate of maternal medical
            complications associated with APH, PPH and obstructed labour. Introduction
            BEmONC package improved performance of providers in reducing maternal
            and new-born complications and mortality.

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