Page 93 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 5
P. 93

CPS1108 Collins O. et al.
             Β1            0.2507         0.1203         0.015          0.4865
             Intervention1   -0.2127      0.0759         -0.361         -0.0639
             Intervention2   0.2046       0.2704         -0.325         0.7346
             σ             0.0622         N/A            N/A            N/A

                Post-Partum Haemorrhage (PPH)
                Postpartum haemorrhage, defined as  the loss of more than 500 mL of
            blood after delivery, occurs in up to 18% of births. Blood loss exceeding 1,000
            mL is considered physiologically significant and can result in hemodynamic
             Count GLM for PPH with SE and CI (level = 95 %) obtained by normal
             approximation. Link function is log and distribution family is negative binomial. The
             Log-likelihood value is -293. Overdispersion coefficient σ was estimated to be
             Coefficient    Estimate       Std. Error      CI(Lower)      CI(Upper)
             (Intercept)    3.2288         0.6034          2.046          4.411
             Β1             0.4257         0.1075          0.215          0.636
             Intervention1   -0.17         0.0449          -0.258         -0.082
             Intervention2   -0.0567       0.1391          -0.329         0.216
             σ              0.0135         N/A             N/A            N/A

                Obstructed Labour
                Labour  is considered obstructed when the presenting part of the fetus
            cannot progress into the birth canal, despite strong uterine contractions.
             Count GLM for Obstructed Labor with SE and CI (level = 95 %) obtained by normal
             Link function is log and distribution family is negative binomial. The Log-likelihood
             value is -306. Score test on intervention(s) of given type at given time is has p-value
             <0. Overdispersion coefficient σ was estimated to be 0.0267
             Coefficient    Estimate       Std. Error      CI(Lower)      CI(Upper)

             (Intercept)    2.998          0.7485          1.531          4.4649

             Β1             0.4629         0.134           0.2            0.7256

             Intervention1   -0.123        0.0558          -0.232         -0.0137

                                                                82 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
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