Page 241 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 241

CPS2073 Alban Çela et al.
                   Table 3: Ratios between marginal coefficients between Number of Farms and
                                     Arable Land by stratum Size of farms
                       Stratum Size            1        2         3         4      Total
                  Marginal Coefficients
                    Ratio  Number of        0.9143    1.1222   1.1496    1.4495    0.9969
                   Farms / Arable Land
                   For  the  calculation  of  the  trend  component  was  used  the  Fisher  Ideal
               index . The Fisher Ideal index is a measure of change in volume from period
               to period. It is calculated as the geometric mean of a chain Paasche volume
               index and a chain Laspeyres volume index.  Using information from Arable
               land and Number of Farms between census and calibrated database we used
               the Fisher Ideal index formula as follows:
               F  = √LP
               based on Laspeyres Index that includes Arable Land
                                        ∑ PnQo
               Laspeyres Index  = 100 x
                                        ∑ PoQo
               and Paasche Index that includes No of farms
                                     ∑ PnQn
               Paasche Index = 100 x
                                      ∑ PoQn
               In our situation L=1.0319 and P=1.0309 and calculated F=1.0314. Combination
               of two main parameters showed a yearly change of +3.14%. Final results are
               given in Table 3 after excluding cumulative trend association.
                 Table 3. Final weight adjusted coefficients for final calibration of the Agricultural
                                               Census 2012.

                        m Size              1            2            3            4

                 Berat                   2.1644       1.0388       1.0813       0.8727
                 Dibër                   2.0375       0.9779       1.0178       0.8215
                 Durrës                  2.7294       1.3099       1.3635       1.1005
                 Ebasan                  1.9931       0.9566       0.9957       0.8036
                 Fier                    2.5810       1.2387       1.2893       1.0407
                 Gjirokastër             2.2117       1.0615       1.1049       0.8918
                 Korçë                   1.5297       0.7341       0.7642       0.7274
                 Kukës                   1.8040       0.8658       0.9012       0.7274
                 Lezhë                   2.8060       1.3467       1.4017       1.1314
                 Shkodër                 1.6606       0.7970       0.8296       0.6696
                 Tiranë                  2.6064       1.2509       1.3020       1.0509
                 Vlorë                   2.1905       1.0513       1.0943       0.8832

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