Page 181 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 8
P. 181

CPS2231 Syafawati A. R. et al.
                    When the correlation coefficient between y and x is computed by first
                    eliminating the effect of all other variables, it is called partial
                    correlation coefficient. It is computed as follow:

                                                  1 − 212


                    The statistical test and data analysis were done through SPSS and
                    Microsoft Excel.

            3. Result
                The relationship between tourism industry and CPI is obtained by applying
            Simple Linear Regression to monthly data of Melaka’s tourist arrival and CPI
            for  the  year  2013  –  2017.  Table  1  shows  that  there  is  a  low  degree  of
            correlation between the two variables (R = 0.48). Furthermore, only 23 per cent
            (R2 = 0.230) of the variation in CPI can explained a linear relationship with the
            number of tourist arrival as indicated in Table 1.

                   Table 1: Simple Linear Regression Test Model Summary, Tourist Arrival and CPI

              Model        R           R2        Adjusted R2    Standard Error of the
                 1       0.480        0.230         0.217             3.8957

                Table  2  shows  the  coefficient  table  and  indicates  the  value  of  beta
            (standardized and unstandardized) for the two variables. Results indicate that
            there is a significant relationship between tourist arrival and CPI where the p-
            value = 0.000 which is less than α = 0.05. From Table 2, it further proved that
            the relationship between tourist arrival and CPI is at a low degree of correlation
            where β = 1.014E-5

                  Table 2: Coefficients  of Simple Linear Regression Model, Tourist Arrival and CPI
                             Unstandardized Coefficien  ts     Standardized
                Model                                                   t        Sig
                               B          Std. Error     Coefficients
           1     Constant         99.486                             30.988        0.000
                 Tourist         1.014E-5    0.000       0.480       4.165         0.000
            Note: ‘a’ denote dependent variable: CPI

                CPI is used to measures the weighted average of prices of  a basket of
            consumer goods and services. Those goods and services are broken into 12
            main  groups:  food  and  non-alcoholic  beverages;  alcoholic  beverages  and
            tobacco; clothing and footwear; housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels;

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