Page 183 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 8
P. 183

CPS2231 Syafawati A. R. et al.
                Table 4: Coefficients  of Stepwise Regression, Tourist Arrival and 8 Main Group of CPI
                      Unstandardized Coefficient             Correlations   Collinearity Statistics

               Model                  Standardized    t      Sig.

                       Beta      Std. Error   Coeffic ient   Zero -   Partial  Part   Tolerance  VIF

            Constant      5169432.766    827380.33                    6.248     0.000
            Clothing        -43273.737      9255.686             -0.523        4.675     0.000      -0.523 -0.523      -0.523    1.000            1.000
            and footwear
            4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                  Based on the result obtained in the analysis done with SLR, there exist a
               positive relationship between tourist arrival and CPI in Melaka. This shows
               that with the increase in the total number of tourist, there will also be an
               increase  in  the  CPI.  One  of  the  factors  that  could  lead  to  the  positive
               relationship is with the higher number of tourist arrival, the demand for
               tourism  goods  and  services  will  also  increase  which  could  lead  to  an
               increase in the price of goods and services. However, the impact of tourist
               arrival on the CPI is very minimal where only 23 per cent of CPI is affected
               by the tourism industry. This may be due to the CPI’s basket of goods does
               not  comprehensively  covers  all  products  and  services  in  the  market
               particularly  tourism  products.  The  CPI’s  baskets  of  goods  only  covers
               selected  product  and  services  based  on  the  findings  from  Household
               Expenditure Survey.
                  This could further be proven by Table 3 where the correlation value for
               selected main groups is less than 0.01. This may be attributed by smaller
               number of foreign tourist arrival where in 2016 only 32 per cent of foreign
               tourist  arrival  recorded  in  Melaka,  which  is  less  than  half  compared  to
               domestic tourist arrival at 68 per cent. Thus there is a minimal effect on
               price  of  goods  and  services  due  to  tourism  activity  or  foreign  currency
               exchange.  Furthermore,  high  demand  from  domestic  tourism  does  not
               affect the price of goods and services.
                  Although the overall trend of the tourist arrival and main group of CPI
               shows  a  positive  relationship,  there  also  exist  a  negative  relationship
               between tourist arrival and the Clothing and Footwear. Based on Table 4,
               the Beta value for both standardized and unstandardized coefficient prove
               the negative relationship between both variables. This imply that when the
               tourist  arrival  increases,  the  index  for  Clothing  and  Footwear  group
               decreases. One of the possible factors is sellers tend to reduce the price of
               their products in order to attract more buyer.
                  The tourism is a dynamic industry, where there are many factors that
               affect the industry such as facilities and product and services offered by

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