Page 188 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 8
P. 188
CPS2232 Syafawati A. R. et al.
as follow: i. Skilled workers: 1. Managers; 2. Professional; and 3.
Technicians and associate professionals; ii. Semi-skilled workers: 4. Clerical
support workers; 5. Service and sales workers; 6. Skilled agricultural,
forestry, livestock and fishery workers; 7. Craft and related trade worker;
and 8. Plant and machine operators and assemblers; and iii. Low-skilled
workers: 9. Elementary occupations
b) Income-related Inadequate Employment
Persons in this form of inadequate employment may be understood
to include all persons in employment who during the reference period
wanted or sought to change their current work situation in order to
increase income limited by factors such as those mentioned above, and
were available to do so.
Income-related inadequate employment is measured as the total
number of workers with formal education of Diploma or higher with total
monthly income less than the cut-off point. The cut-off point of income-
related inadequate employment for year 2017 was RM2,210 which was
based on average salaries for entry level positions published by JobStreet
Malaysia’s 2017 Salary Report. However, the cut-off point for year 2010 to
2016 was calculated based on average annual growth rate of average
salaries for entry level position which was 1.73 per cent.
c) Time-related Underemployment
Time-related underemployment exists when the hours of work of an
employed person are insufficient in relation to an alternative employment
situation in which the person is willing and available to engage. Person in
this form of underemployment must satisfy three criteria; a) willing to
work additional hours; b) available to work additional hours; and c)
worked less than a threshold relating to working time. Time-related
underemployment is measured as the total number of workers working
less than 30 hours a week during the reference period .
The underemployment rate is calculated as follows:
(%) = 100
The statistical test and data analysis were done through SPSS and
Microsoft Excel.
3 As defined in Labour Force Survey, DOSM
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