Page 179 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 179

STS539 Chenglong Li

                         Modeling and optimization of the SPRT control
                                 chart for individual observations
                                           Chenglong Li
                 School of Management, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an-710072, China

            In many practical situations, it may not be feasible to take samples larger than
            one  for  various  reasons,  so  control  charts  must  be  based  on  individual
            observations  (  =  1)  rather  than  larger  samples  of  >  1.  The  sequential
            probability  ratio  test  (SPRT)  chart  is  particularly  suitable  for  monitoring
            individual  observations.  The  existing  research  conducts  the  design  or
            optimization algorithm for a SPRT chart from a statistical point of view only.
            This paper uses a Markov chain approach and proposes an economic model
            for designing the SPRT chart. The results based on an extensive performance
            comparison, indicate that under various scenarios the SPRT chart uniformly
            outperforms some other competing charts on a cost basis.

            Control chart; Economic modeling; Individual observation; Optimization; SPRT;
            Markov chain.

            1.  Introduction
                The  use  of  most  control  charts  requires  sample  sizes  larger  than  one
            (known as rational subgroups). However, in some applications, only a single
            item  can  be  sampled  at  each  point  in  time.  This  usually  happens  when
            sampling and testing are time-consuming, expensive and even destructive.
            Many  traditional  (Shewhart-type)  control  charts  perform  poorly  in  such
            situations. Instead, memory-type control charts, say, the CUSUM chart or the
            EWMA chart, are often recommended in order to make efficient use of all the
            information in the sequence of individual data points.
                Actually  the  SPRT  chart  is  also  an  alternative  choice  for  monitoring
            processes with individual observations. The SPRT chart is normally defined as
            a  sequence  of  SPRT’s,  each  separated  by  a  fixed  sampling  interval.  By
            inspecting sequentially one observation at a time, the SPRT chart allows the
            sampling rate used at each sampling point or SPRT to vary based on the data
            observed  at  the  current  SPRT,  with  the  possibility  of  a  decision  about  the
            process after each observation.
                Stoumbos  and  Reynolds  (1996,  1997)  made  the  early  efforts  on  the
            research  of  SPRT  charts.  In  recent  years,  a  number  of  research  has  been
            devoted to the development and improvement of SPRT-based schemes; see

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