Page 207 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 207

CPS1883 Christina A. et al.
             •   Additionally, at the beginning of the course, the students received a time
                 table, containing rough guidelines about what they, in the groups, were
                 expected to process during the week. The guidelines were deliberately
                 kept in an imprecise way, without details, in order to allow own initiatives
                 of the students and to let self-centered learning take place. For example,
                 the first week the guidelines encouraged the students to gather basic
                 knowledge  about  their  topic,  the  second  week  to  search  for  existing
                 algorithms  for  the  method  etc.  The  students  were  told  to  use  the
                 guidelines  to  structure  their  information  retrieval,  but  that  the  main
                 research  about  the  multivariate  method  itself  should  be  a  student-
                 centered inquiry-based learning process.
             The  guidelines  suggested  following  steps  to  be  processed  during  the
                 1.  Theoretical background of the method
                 2.  A summary of required data preparation
                 3.  Implementation of the method in R
                 4.  Application to a real-world data set
                 5.  Interpretation of results
             •   The students were offered to use the web conference tool Adobe Connect
                 to perform their out-of-class group meetings online.
             •   As another out-of-class activity, the students were asked to construct a
                 wiki-based website about their multivariate method.
            Description of the in-class activities:
             •   Weekly  web  conferences,  where  both  the  students  and  the  lecturer
                 participated, were offered.
             •   In these web conferences, mainly the students were the actors, presenting
                 the  weekly  progress  of  their  research  about  their  group’s  multivariate
                 method. These presentations contained both the theoretical explanation
                 of the studied method as well as practical implementation of the method
                 in R and the application to a real-world problem, including a thorough
                 interpretation of the R output and the numerical results.
             •   Weekly, a Questions-&-Answers session was offered in either the chat or
                 the discussion room of Adobe Connect. In this session, the students had
                 the  opportunity  to  ask  the  lecturer  about  non-understandable  issues,
                 concerning their multivariate method.
             •   During one extra web conference, the students presented the wiki-based
                 websites they had prepared.
            As a prerequisite to take the final exam, the students had to attend at least
            80% of the web conferences and, additionally, regularly report about their

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