Page 333 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 333

CPS1949 Khalid S.
            4. Conclusion
               This paper studied the sensitivity of multidimensional indices of poverty to
            different weighting schemes. Our approach explained why multidimensional
            poverty measure depends not only on the approach but also on the weighting
            scheme adopted.  Testing  of  pre-determined  normative  weighting  schemes
            showed that the linear weighting overestimates poverty indices. Whatever the
            weighting  scheme  adopted,  an  important  difference  is  observed  in  the
            estimation of poverty indices depending on whether the items of deprivation
            are organized or not by dimension. The most important difference concerns
            the AF approach. This tendency concerns all the multidimensional indices of
            poverty.  The  stochastic  dominance  of  the  curves  of  poverty  allowed  us  to
            confirm the robustness of these results.
               The results of Bourguinon and Chakravarty method show that, regardless
            of the weighting scheme, the indices of multidimensional poverty are lower
            than those obtained from the AF approach. The differences become more
            significant by adopting the weighting scheme proposed by AF. Besides, the
            differences noticed become more important if we don’t structure the items of
            deprivation  by  dimension.  Also,  the  multidimensional  indices  of  poverty
            obtained  according  to  fuzzy  logic  method  not  only  shows  an  important
            sensibility for the weighting schemes but remains widely lower than those
            obtained  using the A.F. approach.
               In addition, this work shows that a better targeting of the poverty is not
            only conditioned by a determination of the relevant dimensions of the poverty
            but  also  by  an  adequate  choice  of  the  weighting  scheme  and  the
            measurement approach.

             References (some papers)
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