Page 334 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 334

CPS1949 Khalid S.
                   5.  Bourguignon  F.,  S.  Chakravarty,  (2003),  «  The  measurement  of
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                   6.  Cerioli A. & Zani S.  (1990),  «A fuzzy approach to  the measurement of
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                   7.  Cheli B., Lemmi A., (1995). « A total fuzzy and relative approach to the
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                   8.  Chiappero-Martinetti E. (2000) « A Multidimensional Assessment of Well-
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                      Scienze Sociali, Università Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore, n°2, Milano.
                   9.  Dagum,  C.,  Gambassi,  R.,  Lemmi,  A.,  (1992).  «New  approaches  to  the
                      measurement  of  poverty»,  Poverty  measurement  for  economies  in
                      transition in eastern European countries, Polish Statistical Association and
                      Central Statistical Office, Warsaw.
                   10. Desai  M.  &  Shah  A.  (1988),  «An  econometric  approach  to  the
                      measurement of poverty », Oxford Economic Papers, 40(3):505-522.
                   11. Desai M. (1995), « poverty, Famine and Economic Development », Edward
                      Elgar, Aldershot. (1995), «Poverty and Capabilities: Towards an Empirically
                      implementable  Measure  »,  in  the  selected  Essays  of  Meghnad  Desai,
                      Volume 2, Economist of the Twentieth Century Series, Aldershot, UK, Elgar,
                   12. Duclos J.-Y., D. Sahn and S.D. Younger (2006), «Robust Multidimensional
                      Poverty Comparisons », Economic Journal, 116, 943{968.
                   13. Sen  A.  (1976)  «  Poverty:  an  ordinal  approach  to  measurement  »,
                      Econometrica, vol 44, pp 219-231. (1981) «Poverty and famines: an essay
                      on entitlements and deprivation », Clarendon Press, Oxford, Royaume-
                   14. Soudi, K. (2009), « Dynamiques de la pauvreté 1985-2001 : rôles de la
                      croissance et de l’inégalité »,26 ème  Congrès de l’UISSP, Marrakech.
                   15. Tsui K-Y. (2002), «Multidimensional Poverty Indices», Social Choice and
                      Welfare 19: 69-93.

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