Page 338 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 338

CPS1950 Paolo G. et al.
                  As  for  RKM,  parameters  can  be  addressed  by  the  least  square  estimation
                  method. In particular, the optimal parameter matrices are found by minimizing
                        fFKM = || E ||  = || XAA  UFA ||  = || XA  UF || .            (4)
                  For this purpose, an ALS algorithm can be used. The FKM solution is found up
                  to rotational indeterminacy for the weights and the centroids and cluster label
                  switching. If A = IJ, FKM coincides with KM.
                  c.  Comparison between FKM and RKM:
                      Vichi & Kiers (2001) and Timmerman et al. (2013) investigate the FKM and
                  RKM procedures from a theoretical and a practical point of view. Their findings
                  are summarized in this subsection. First of all, Vichi & Kiers (2001) show that
                  RKM  may  fail  when  a  large  amount  of  variance  pertains  to  directions
                  orthogonal to the one relevant for clustering purposes. It implicitly suggests
                  that the two methods model the data in different ways. Timmerman  et al.
                  (2013)  extensively  analyze  this  point  by  defining  two  types  of  residuals,
                  namely,  subspace  residuals  and  complement  residuals.  The  former  ones
                  denote the residuals lying on the subspace spanned by the columns of A. The
                  latter ones refer to the residuals lying on the complement of this subspace,
                  i.e., those lying on the subspace spanned by the columns of A , being A  a
                  column-wise orthonormal matrix of order (J × J  Q) such that AA  = 0Q × J 
                  Q, where 0Q × J  Q is the matrix of zeroes of order (Q × J  Q). Real life data
                  usually contain both kinds of residuals. The performances in recovering the
                  clusters of FKM and RKM are related to the relative sizes of such two kinds of
                  residuals. Specifically, FKM performs better than RKM when the complement
                  residuals are smaller than the subspace ones. Conversely, RKM outperforms
                  FKM when the subspace residuals are small if compared to the complement
                  d.  Fuzzy Reduced and Factorial K-Means (FRFKM):
                      Taking into account that the objectives of FKM and RKM are different and
                  every method aims at minimizing a specific kind of residuals, our idea is to
                  exploit  the  potentialities  of  both  methods  by  considering  them
                  simultaneously. In doing so, we adopt the fuzzy approach to clustering by
                  relaxing the constraints that the elements of U are either 0 or 1. In order to
                  handle the concept of partial truth, where the truth value may range between
                  completely false and completely true, it implies that every observation unit can
                  be assigned to a certain cluster with the so-called fuzzy membership degree
                  ranging from 0 (non-membership, completely false) to 1 (full membership,
                  completely true).
                      The new procedure, called Fuzzy Reduced and Factorial K-Means (FRFKM),
                  is developed by considering a linear convex combination of the loss functions
                  in fRKM in (2) and fFKM in (4). Thus, we have
                        fFRFKM = (1)fRKM + fFKM,                                       (5)

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