Page 352 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 352

CPS1959 Hou Hongwen et al.
                  3.  Result
                  (I) Multi‐dimensional view on new and old kinetic energy conversion
                  1. Overall, the new kinetic energy index continues to rise.
                     The monitoring results show that the new kinetic energy index of economic
                     development  in  2016  is  126.6%  and  2017  150.9%,  with  a  year‐on‐year
                     increase of 24.3 percentage points based on 2015 as the benchmark period,
                     which shows that the incubation of new kinetic energy is further accelerated.
                     It  can  be  predicted  that  in  the  next  few  years,  with  the  accelerated
                     implementation  of  the  major  projects  of  new  and  old  kinetic  energy
                     conversion, the new kinetic energy index of economic development in the
                     city will reach a new level.
                  2. The digital economy has the highest index by sectors
                     In terms of different sectors, the digital economic index has the highest
                     level and the largest extent of increase, reaching 262.7% in 2017, with a
                     55.7‐percentage‐point  increase  year‐on‐year,  which  has  become  the
                     primary  factor  of  the  new  kinetic  energy  index  in  lifting  economic
                     development; The second is economic vitality, reaching 155.9% in index,
                     with a 33.7‐percentage‐point increase year‐on‐year, which has become a
                     powerful pusher of the new kinetic energy index for economic development.
                     The third is transformation and upgrading, reaching 145.5% in index, with
                     a 28.1‐percentage‐point increase year‐on‐year. In contrast, the index level
                     of innovation drive, development achievement and knowledge capability is
                     low, which is 121.7%, 107.3% and 105.1%, respectively, and the increase
                     range  is  relatively  small,  which  affects  the  new  kinetic  energy  index  of
                     economic development to some extent, and more efforts need to be put
                     forth for future development.

                   New kinetic energy index in different sectors
                    Sector            2016 (%)          2017 (%)          Increase (%)

                    Knowledge         103.7             105.1             1.4

                    Economic vitality   122.2           155.9             33.7

                    Innovation drive   109.0            121.7             12.7
                    Digital economy   207.0             262.7             55.7

                    Transformation    117.4             145.5             28.1
                    and upgrading
                    Development       102.6             107.3             4.7

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