Page 357 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 357

CPS1966 Jessa L. S. C. et al.

                           Identifying preferred life insurance products
                          using classification trees, multinomial logistic
                                  regression, and random forest
                         Jessa Luzelle S. Cuaresma, Francisco N. delos Reyes
                             University of the Philippines, Quezon City Philippines

            Targeting  is  one  of  the  strategies  implemented  by  marketers  to  achieve
            efficiency  in  the  promotion  of  its  products.  In  the  life  insurance  industry,
            targeting can be useful to achieve higher penetration in the market. However,
            it  is  still  a  challenge  to  adopt  this  methodology  in  the  industry  given  the
            limitation on the knowledge on how the available data can be utilized. This
            study  aims  to  explore  the  application  of  several  predictive  modelling
            techniques in identifying client characteristics and behaviors that determine
            their preference on life insurance products. Models that are considered are
            Classification  Trees  (CART),  Multinomial  Logistic  Regression  (MLR),  and
            Random Forest (RF). Results show that while the models are not capable of
            predicting  minority  life  insurance  products  accurately,  they  are  able  to
            generate  insights  on  the  predictor  relationships  which  can  be  used  by
            marketers  in  crafting  strategy  for  distribution,  promotion,  and  product
            development. Such insights include the preference of Unit-Linked products for
            protection by an immediate family, and by the insured himself if he has high

            Life  Insurance,  Unit-Linked  Insurance,  Insurance  Marketing,  Predictive

            1.  Introduction
                While sources of data increase and become more varied over time – from
            the traditional sources such as the policy management system to the more
            modern  ones  like  health  devices  –  insurance companies  are challenged  to
            come up with data-driven approach to carry out their initiatives for targeting.
            One  method  which  increases  its  popularity  in  the  industry  is  predictive
            modelling.  This  paper  will  be  discussing  about  the  application  of  several
            predictive  modelling  techniques  in  identifying  client  characteristics  and
            behaviors that determine their preference on insurance products. The results
            will be used by the marketers and distributors alike to identify the products
            that can be best offered to clients based on their profiles which in return can
            increase their propensity to buy. In the process, predictive modelling methods
            that can handle multidimensional data sets with categorical output variables

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