Page 354 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 354

CPS1959 Hou Hongwen et al.
                     enterprises in the National High‐tech Development Zone has increased by
                     67.9% year‐on‐year; Listedc enterprises at home and abroad have increased
                     by  13.1%  year‐on‐year;  The  actual  utilization  of  foreign  capital  has
                     increased by 13.9% year‐on‐year; Courier business volume has increased by
                     24.7%  year‐on‐year,  which  shows  that  economic  vitality  is  significantly
                  3.  Transformation boosted by innovation drive
                     In recent years, the city has accelerated the implementation of innovation‐
                     driven  development  strategy,  which  has  effectively  boosted  the
                     transformation  and  upgrading  of  economic  development.  From  the
                     monitoring indexes, in 2017, the number of invention patents granted per
                     10,000 R&D personnel in the city has increased by 2.6% year‐on‐year; The
                     accumulative graduated enterprises in the technology business incubator
                     have increased by 13.3% year‐on‐year. The turnover of technology market
                     has  increased  by  21.6%  year‐on‐year;  The  number  of  applications  for
                     international registration of Madrid trademarks has increased by 176.7%
                     year‐on‐year, ranking first in the country.
                  4.  Strong drive of digital economy
                     Digital economy is the typical representative of new economy. Networking,
                     intelligence and digitalization promote the rapid development of "Internet
                     +", and the digital economy has become an important driving force for
                     economic  and  social  innovation  and  development.  From  the  angle  of
                     monitoring indexes, in 2017, the fixed Internet broadband access users in
                     the  city  have  increased  by  25.4%  year‐on‐year;  The  total  amount  of
                     telecommunication services has increased by 72% year‐on‐year; With e‐
                     commerce transactions doubled, the online retail sales of enterprises above
                     designated size wholesale and retail have accounted for 17.8% of the total
                     retail sales of  enterprises above designated size, with a  2.6‐percentage‐
                     point  increase  year‐on‐year;  The  agricultural  informatization  rate  has
                     reached  62%,  with  a  4‐percentage‐point  increase  year‐on‐year,  which
                     shows  that  digital  economy  plays  a  strong  leading  role  in  economic
                  5.  Continued transformation and upgrading
                     Transformation and upgrading is an indispensable and important aspect in
                     promoting  economic  development.  From  the  perspective  of  monitoring
                     indexes, the economic transformation and upgrading of the city have been
                     continued in 2017. The energy consumption per unit GDP has decreased
                     by  3.99%,  and  the  proportion  of  non‐water  renewable  energy  power
                     generation has increased from 6.8% to 8.6%; New industries, new business
                     models and new patterns have been developing vigorously, and the added
                     value of strategic emerging industries has accounted for 10% in GDP; The
                     added value of high‐tech service industry has increased by 11.2% year‐on‐

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