Page 368 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 368

CPS1969 Janna M. De Veyra
                                       Logit[(X)] =  +   +   + 
                                                          1 1
                                                                 2 2

                  where ⍺,  , and   are estimates obtained in the procedures used and  is the
                  random  error.  In  this  paper,  the  random  error  is  assumed  as  normally
                  distributed with mean 0 and variance 3 in imputing z value in source A and
                  normally distributed with mean 0 and variance 4 in imputing y value in source
                  B. Same as with the regression imputation, missing values will be imputed
                  based on the probability of success.

                  2.2 Bootstrap Procedure
                  Bootstrap in this paper could be done in two ways. It could be done by either
                  resampling within the synthetic data or resampling across the synthetic data.
                  Resampling within synthetic data refers to resampling with replacement from
                  a  combined  data  source  where  estimates  on  the  missing  data  are  already
                  available while resampling across the synthetic data refers to resampling with
                  replacement from a combined data source where estimates on the missing
                  data are not yet available. Both procedures were considered in this paper to
                  check for a possible difference in the result. Resampling would be done 200
                  times  in  both  procedures  where  the  number  of  samples  in  each  pseudo
                  sample is just the same as with the original sample

                  2.3 Evaluation of the Procedure
                  The performance of the proposed procedures in testing for the independence
                  of statistically matched categorical variables was evaluated according to the
                   1.  To  evaluate  if  the  proposed  procedures  correctly  reject  the  null
                      hypothesis, the power of the test will be computed by simulating data set
                      200 times wherein each replicate has a Chi-square statistic that is greater
                      than  the  critical  value  at  a  0.05  level  of  significance.  The  proposed
                      procedures  will  then  be  applied  and  the  Chi-square  statistics  in  the
                      applied procedures will be computed in each replicate. The computed
                      power  will  be  the  total  number  of  replicates  with  Chi-square statistics
                      obtained from the proposed procedures that is greater than the critical
                      value  at  a  0.05  level  of  significance  divided  by  the  total  number  of
                   2.  To evaluate if the proposed procedures falsely reject the null hypothesis,
                      the size of the test will be computed by simulating data set 200 times
                      wherein  each  replicate  has  a  Chi-square  statistic  that  is  less  than  the
                      critical value at a 0.05 level of significance. The proposed procedures will
                      then be applied and the Chi-square statistics in the applied procedures
                      will be computed in each replicate. The computed size will be the total
                      number  of  replicates  with  Chi-square  statistics  obtained  from  the

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