Page 383 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 383

CPS1992 Epimaco A. Cabanlit, Jr. et al.
            alternative  which  exhibit  a  better  fit  for  failure  data  and  provides  more
            appropriate information about reliability and hazard rates (Meniconi, M. and
            Parry, D.M. ,1996).
                Several authors have reported characterization of the PFD based on order
            statistics and records. One of these authors was Rider (1964) who first derived
            the distribution of the product and ratio of the order statistics from a power
            function  distribution(Rider,  P.R.,1966  ).  Another,  Ahsanullah  (1973)  defined
            necessary and sufficient conditions based on PFD order statistics. Also, Kabir
            and  Ahsanullah  (1975)  discussed  the  estimation  of  the  location  and  scale
            parameters  of  a  power  function  distribution.  And  Moothathu  (1884)  gave
            characterizations of the PFD through Lorenz curve.
                In probability theory and statistics, the power function distribution is a
            continuous probability distribution. It is a flexible lifetime model which can be
            obtained  from  the  Pareto  model  and  it  is  also  a  special  case  of  the  beta
            distribution (Dallas, A.C.,1978).
                The probability density function is defined as

                with shape parameter c, and scale parameter b > 0 [6].
                A mixture distribution, a multivariate distribution, is the probability of a
            random  variable  (may  be  random  real  numbers  or  they  may  be  random
            vectors, each having the same dimension) that is derived from a collection of
            other  random  variables  as  follows:  first,  a  random  variable  is  selected  by
            chance from the collection according to given probabilities of selection, and
            then the value of the selected random variable is realized. Mixture models
            based  on  probability  density  function  have  been  used  successfully  on  a
            number of applications ranging from speaker recognition to bioinformatics
            (Dinampo,  W.,2016).  The  formula  for  the  mixture  of  two  power  function
            distributions is defined by

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