Page 387 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 387

CPS1993 Asmae Mhmmoudi

                            Couple’s time allocation to housework and
                                   childcare: Moroccan evidence
                                        Asmae Mhmmoudi
                             The High Commission for Planning, Rabat, Morocco

            The purpose of this paper is to study the allocation of unpaid work time in
            Moroccan couples using data from the National Time Use Survey (2012). By
            including  non-participants,  censored  regression  model  is  used  in  order  to
            estimate  the  impact  of  socio  economic  background  on  housework  and
            childcare  behavior’s.  In  addition,  unpaid  work  is  divided  into  ordinary
            housework  and  childcare  in  order  to  investigate  whether  they  behave
            differently  with  housework  and  childcare.  In  general,  the  results  show  a
            negative effect of urban area and a positive impact of children inversely related
            to  their  ages  though  their  impact  is  important  within  women  than  men.
            Furthermore, the results of the estimation of housework are particularly the
            same.  However,  when  childcare  is  estimated  separately,  the  presence  of
            children affects positively men childcare time allocation.

            housework and childcare; couple’s unpaid work; time use

            1.  Introduction
                In  terms  of  paid  and  unpaid  work,  Moroccan  women  and  men  work
            approximately the same amount of hours. According to the National Time Use
            Survey (2012), women and men spend 6 hours on paid and unpaid work. But
            while men do most paid work, women are generally assigned to the home as
            their occupational area.
                To  gain  more  insight  into  activities  sharing  within  the  household  and
            investigate  gender  specialization,  attention  is  paid  particularly  to  couples.
            Specifically, the study focuses on time spent by couples on unpaid work which
            combines housework and childcare, housework and childcare, and therefore
            analyzing the factors affecting the three allocations.
                Traditional analyses of unpaid work defined as time spent on housework
            and childcare. Besides examining couples allocations to unpaid work, unpaid
            work is spilt into housework and childcare in order to investigate whether a
            structural difference exists between time spent  doing housework and time
            spent  caring  for  children.  The  rationale  behind  this  split  is  that  the  utility
            associated with childcare is different from the utility generated by ordinary

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