Page 59 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 59

CPS1492 Ali Gargoum
               Table 2: Standardized Regression Weights, Reliability, and Validity

            SRW = Standardized Regression Weights, CR = Composite Reliability, AVE = Average
            Variance Extracted
               Confirmatory  factor  analysis  (CFA)  conducted  to  assess  the  proposed
            research model (Osman et al., 2017). The study showed a good fit of the model
            to the data. The χ2 statistic was 480.073 (degrees of freedom 237, p < 0.05),
            with  the  ratio  (χ2  /df)  =  2.062  which  is  lower  than  the  value  of  5.0  as
            recommended by Hail et al. (1995, 1998, 2010) with lower values indicating a
            better fit. The incremental fit indexes were higher than 0.90, with CFI of 0.962,
            and TLI of 0.956. Of the absolute fit indexes, RMSEA was 0.045.
            Moreover, there were some other valid conditions such as composite reliability
            (CR)  and  average  variance  extracted  (AVE)  checked.  AVE  exceed  0.50,
            indicating solid construct validity as shown in Table 2.
               Table 3 presents the goodness of fit indexes. According to Hair et al. (1998),
            at least one index from each category must satisfy minimum acceptable limit
            for ensuring goodness model fit. Figure 2 shows the final fit structural model,
            after deleting some items due to factor loading less than 0.60 (Awang, 2012).
            Table 3 presents the proven fitness indexes.

                                                                48 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64