Page 20 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 20

IPS30 Stefan D. et al.
                  population register data with other registers containing signs of administrative
                  life and those identifying potential errors.
              •  Approaches to link registers: The development of suitable approaches to link
                  data from different registers is a basic precondition to a register-based census.
                  This is not only necessary as not all the variables required for a population and
                  housing  census  are  available  in  one  single  register.  Also  quality  assurance
                  requires reliable and easily implementable linkage procedures to check for
                  administrative signs of life, but also to analyse the consistency of information
                  included in more than one register. For a register-based census, two kinds of
                  record linkage are of particular importance: First, at the level of persons, it
                  must  be  possible  to  link  the  data  of  persons  included  in  several  registers,
                  ideally supported by a constant identifier. Second, for production of data on
                  housing, household and family types, approaches need to be developed to
                  link the persons to the dwellings they are living in by the use of a building and
                  dwelling identifier. Further units requiring record linkage procedures include
                  addresses as well as institutions.
                  Assuming that the legal, organisational, and technological possibilities to link
                  registers  for  statistical  purposes  will  increase,  this  will  also  lead  to  new
                  opportunities not only for data production, but also for consistency checks
                  between the values included for the same units in different registers.

                  1.  Bechtold. S. (2013). Lessons learned from a mixed-mode census for the
                      future of social statistics. Paper presented at the 97th DGINS Conference
                      “New conceptual design for household and social statistics”, Wiesbaden,
                      27 September 2011. Available at
                      _MixedModeCensus.pdf?__blob=publicationFile (accessed 14 July 2017)
                  2.  Bechtold. S. (2016). The 2011 Census Model in Germany. In: Comparative
                      Population Studies D1-D9 (date of release: 04.08.2016). Available at DOI:
                      10.12765/CPoS-2016-07en (accessed 14 July 2017)
                  3.  Bergmann. N. (2009). Volkszählung und Datenschutz. Proteste zur
                      Volkszählung 1983 und 1987 in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
                      Hamburg. Deutschland. Diplomica.
                  4.  Bundesbeauftragter für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit.
                      BfDI (2009). 25 Jahre Volkszählungsurteil Datenschutz – Durchstarten in
                      die Zukunft!. Bonn.
                  5.  Bundesverfassungsgericht (1983). Urteil des Ersten Senats vom 15.
                      Dezember 1983 auf die mündliche Verhandlung vom 18. und 19.
                      Oktober 1983. (BVerfG 65, 1) Available at

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