Page 17 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 17

IPS30 Stefan D. et al.
            3.2 Lessons learned of the 2011 census
                Retrospectively,  the  modular  concept  of  the  German  census  2011
            combining register use and primary statistical data collections was successful.
            A qualitative evaluation came to the result that the model worked well, and
            (while identifying proposals for an improved implementation) should be the
            basis for the census 2021. At the same time, it was concluded that the quality
            of the population registers was still not considered sufficient for the purposes
            of  a  census  so  that  the  supplementary  household  sample  survey  was
            maintained  as  an  element  to  correct  for  over-  and  under-coverage  in  the
            registers (and to collect the data for variables not covered by the registers).
            Against this background, the household sample survey remains an integral
            elemental part with an opitimization of the model considering census 2011
            results. The model was scientifically accepted and achieved a high precision.
            At  the  same  time  the  model  reduced  the  burden  and  the  cost  on  data
            collection  for  the  statistical  offices  and  the  respondents  compared  to  the
            former traditional census considerably. The household generating procedure
            was  another  new  element  which  turned  out  for  being  a  precise  way  to
            determine family and household data down to the local level.

            3.3 current objectives for the 2021 census
                Changes for the census 2021 consider census 2011 experiences in quality
            aspects and possibilities to reduce complexity and thus to be more timely with
            results.  Additionally,  modifications  aim  to  make  the  results  easier  to
            understand and raise general acceptance of the model. The main amendments
            for the census 2021 are:
         •  The supplementary household sample survey used to adjust the register data
            in  municipalities  with  10,000  inhabitants  or  more  will  be  carried  out  in  all
            municipalities in 2021. An analysis of the 2011 data showed that the special
            survey on addresses with implausibilites in smaller municipalities did not fulfil
            the adjustment needed. It turned out that the overall assumption of a better
            register quality in smaller municipalities was correct, but the correcting rate
            was  still  higher  than  assumed  before.  To  avoid  a  large  scale  of  small
            municipalites with high sample rates by stretching the survey concept and the
            relative error margin of big municipalities 1:1, the relative error margin will be
            switched  to  an  absolute  error  margin  using  a  target  function  for  the
            municipality  size  in  between.  Secondly,  for  small  cities  using  the  same
            administration for their population registers the sample survey will be drawn
            on the joined municipality level. The results on this level will be splitted for
            each municipality afterwards using a two-step estimation model with survey
            results and register data.
         •  The interaction of the different census components need to be designed early
            on to allow a comprehensive technical approach that liaise the individual parts

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