Page 224 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 224

IPS142 Jorge L. V. V. et al.
                  distributions  according  to  sex,  age  and  place  of  residence  in  an  external
                  Current activity status
                     Method and sources: This is one of the variables that involves a greater
                  number of sources: Social Security Registers, Unemployment Registers, Public
                  Aids  Database,  Mutualities  Registers,  Register  of  Retired  Civil  Servants,
                  Registers of Students, Tax Agency information, 2001 and 2011 Census.
                     General issues: Information of this variable will only be provided for people
                  aged 15 or more. Using all these information, it is normal to have, in some
                  cases, conflicts among data sources. In order to solve this issue, priority rules
                  based  on  the  recommendations  of  the  United  Nations  and  the  European
                  Regulation for Censuses have been used. It is normal that some people (for
                  example women aged 55 or more) do not appear in any of the sources used
                  and they will be classified as “others” inside the group Outside of the labour
                  force. The results obtained for this variable in the 2016-PFC are very similar to
                  those one of the LFS although it is still necessary to refine the category of the
                  unemployed so that it resembles the ILO recommendation.

                  4.  A new quality framework
                     One of the main novelties of the 2021 Census will be the inclusion of a new
                  mechanism that enables users to evaluate the quality of each one of the census
                  variables and that will also enable INE to make better decisions. The idea is to
                  create for  each variable (for example:  legal  marital  status,  educational  level
                  attained, etc.) a new one that would store information indicating the method
                  or type of source used to provide the value for every person.
                     The procedure will consist in the creation (for each Census variable) of a
                  new derived variable with several categories that will take into account various
                  factors reflecting if it is a direct, indirect source or if the information has been
                     If we focus on the way we obtain the cell estimation, we will be able to
                  quantify quality in a two dimensional basis: quality along a specific variable and
                  quality in terms of each person.
                     An analysis by columns (variables) across people, allows us to detect for
                  every variable involved what is the percentage of records provided by different
                  sources or methods and the percentage of imputed records. This information
                  helps us to detect the quality of the sources.
                     If we concentrate on rows (people) we can identify those records with the
                  poorest  quality  level:  those  ones  that  have  missing  values  or  imputed
                  information in several variables. It is very plausible to identify profiles of people
                  with missing information that are difficult to estimate by administrative records,
                  such as foreigners or people living in deprived areas.

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