Page 229 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 229

IPS146 Motoryn R. et al.
                Research  on  the  use  of  Big  Data  in  the  education  system  is  quite
                An important aspect of Big Data research is the infrastructure of the data
            collected. Therefore, F. A. De Almeida Neto and A. Castro developed a model
            where the data created from the interaction between users and the platform
            itself is selected, collected and stored in local databases considering the online
            platforms that host educational events, [1]. Then local databases are collected
            and grouped into a global database.
                Some aspects of this research area are issues related to the achievement
            of educational results. EDM (Educational Data Mining) is described as a means
            of increasing the effectiveness of e-learning. So, M. Nasiri, B. Minai, F. Wafai
            considered a model for predicting academic success through monitoring and
            supporting first-year students [2].
                Other  issues  of  the  research  are  aspects  of  Big  Data  related  to  the
            interaction  of  subjects  of  education.  G.  Mobasher,  A.  Shavish,  O.  Ibrahim
            describe  the  structure  of  a  large  database  in  education,  which  contains
            demographic  data  of  students,  psychological  characteristics  of  students,
            lecturers and parents [3]. V. Tem described the approach to the organization
            of collaborative learning, allowing to identify educational patterns based on a
            diverse set of educational online resources [4]. S. Dwivedi, V. S. K. Roshni, at
            the basis of analysts, describe the technology for students to select the most
            appropriate elective courses [5].

            2.  Methodology
                The  processing  of  large  archives  and  large  data  streams  requires  new
            technologies,  among  which  a  special  place  is  occupied  by  Big  Data
                The term Big Data refers to the large and complex data sets, which can be
            structured or unstructured, and occupy a very large amount of disk space.
            Features Big Data can be described by «5V» rule:
            - 1V (volume): the amount of physical data is significant. Large amount of data
            mean  information  about  a  large  number  of  students  and  thousands  of
            educational institutions. These data are accumulating and provide information
            that can be used to effectively manage the learning process.
            -  2V  (velocity):  speed  data  collection  and  processing  speed  results  фку
            relatively high; for example, data on marks for a lesson are entered no later
            than the end of the day they are received; the teacher after entering the data
            almost immediately can get acquainted with the analytics performance. The
            rate of change of big data allows to interactively monitor the learning process
            and respond to any changes in the learning process in a timely manner. The
            use of interactive tests allows teachers to identify students who give incorrect

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