Page 281 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 281

IPS153 Christine B. et al.
            3.  The 2018 Census
                The  2018  Census  strategy  (Statistics  NZ,  2016)  set  out  an  ambitious
            modernisation  programme  across  all  components  of  census  taking.  This
            followed several censuses of minimal content change, and limited innovation.
            Improvements to adjust for missing census characteristics data were signalled
            in the 2018 Census strategy. These included the use of alternative sources (the
            previous  2013  Census  and  good  quality  administrative  sources),  and  more
            extensive use of statistical imputation.
                While  some  aspects  of  the  2018  modernisation  have  been  successful,
            major challenges were faced when implementing the new collection model,
            and  the  overall  level  of  response  was  lower  than  expected.  Once  these
            collection  issues  became  clear  in  mid-2018,  Stats  NZ  embarked  on
            development of new methods for including people in the 2018 Census dataset
            based on administrative data. The new methods have built on the research
            undertaken by the longer-term census transformation investigations, and fast-
            forwarded  their  development  for  use  in  the  context  of  a  full  enumeration
                The  use  of  alternative  sources  for  census  characteristics  has  taken  on
            greater significance than originally anticipated given an increased number of
            partial census responses and the contribution of administrative records to the
            final census dataset.

            4.  Methods for administrative enumerations in the 2018 Census
                The  admin  NZ  resident  population,  the  IDI-ERP  described  above,  is  the
            source for including administrative records in the 2018 Census dataset. The IDI-
            ERP provides an initial admin list of people who can be considered for inclusion
            in the census dataset. We first remove NZ residents temporarily overseas on
            census night, as they are not included in the NZ census population definition,
            and  remove  those  for  whom  we  already  have  a  census  response.  We  also
            recognise limitations in the quality of administrative sources when determining
            who should be placed into the census file. When faced with choices of how to
            implement methods and where to set model parameters, decisions have been
                Admin enumerations have been added to the census dataset when they
            will improve the overall quality of the census data. Administrative households
            are  formed  when  have  good  evidence  for  improving  census  household
            information. Otherwise, admin enumerations are not placed in dwellings, but
            are placed within a small geographic area (a meshblock, up to 100 people),
            when we can do so while improving the quality of census small area data. We
            now outline the statistical methodologies used to include high quality admin
            enumerations in the census file.

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