Page 278 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 278

IPS153 Christine B. et al.

                                  Linked administrative sources for the New
                                   Zealand census and population statistics
                                     Christine Bycroft, Pubudu Senanayake
                                          Stats NZ Christchurch, New Zealand

                  Statistics NZ is beginning to see the benefits of a programme of research into
                  greater use of administrative data for the population census and the wider
                  population statistics system. The research effort has been driven by a need to
                  modernise and reduce costs of the current full-enumeration census model,
                  and  the  opportunities  afforded  by  a  rich  and  growing  set  of  integrated
                  administrative  data.  Development  of  new  statistical  models  is  integral  to
                  maximising the use of administrative sources. Included in this data mix are
                  travel journey data for almost all border crossings – a rare advantage afforded
                  by being an island country. A new measure of external migration has been
                  developed  based  on  actual  time  spent  in  NZ,  rather  than  the  previous
                  approach that used intentions stated on arrival and departure cards. While NZ
                  does  not  have  an  administrative  population  register,  or  any  mandatory
                  requirement  to  register  an  address  with  authorities,  we  have  developed  a
                  statistical admin resident population based on a ‘signs of life’ approach. This
                  work has proved to be a significant advantage given an unanticipated level of
                  non-response in the most recent full enumeration census in 2018.

                  population estimation; linked administrative data; external migration; census

                  1.  Introduction
                      Administrative data have always been part of the production of Stats NZ’s
                  official population statistics, however, the ways in which administrative data
                  are  being  used  is  changing.  These  changes  are  taking  advantage  of
                  opportunities  afforded  by  the  integration  of  administrative  sources  which
                  were formerly only available separately, and the development of new statistical
                  methodologies that are needed to take full advantage of the linked data. As
                  well as these opportunities, change has been driven by concerns about cost
                  pressures and the sustainability of the current full enumeration census.
                      Population statistics in New Zealand are based on a five-yearly full field
                  enumeration  census.  The  census  data  are  released  in  their  own  right  and
                  provide a rich array of social and economic information for small sub-groups
                  and small geographies. A separate official Estimated Resident Population (ERP)
                  series is the best measure of population living in New Zealand at a given time

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