Page 324 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 324

IPS155 Emily W. et al.
                  metadata,  and  techniques  for  statistical  analysis  and  data  protection.  Until
                  recently, the network was predominantly focused on establishing a metadata
                  schema  and  conducting  a  comprehensive  inventory  of  data  in  member
                  institutions. In the next phase of the work programme, access procedures and
                  registration processes for researchers will come to the forefront of INEXDA’s
                      The overall aim is to facilitate the international use of granular data for
                  analytical,  research,  and  comparative  purposes  without  jeopardising  and
                  always subject to the respective applicable confidentiality regimes.

                  1.  Bender, S., Hausstein, B., and Hirsch, C. (2018). An Introduction to
                      INEXDA’s Metadata Schema, Technical Report 2018-02, Deutsche
                      Bundesbank, Research Data and Service Centre.
                  2.  Communiqué of the G-20 FMCBG Meeting (2017). Retrieved 31 July
                      2018, from
                      opics/Featur ed/G20/g20communique.pdf
                  3.  G20 Action Plan (2017). Retrieved 31 July 2018, from
                      meline/Germ any/2017-g20-hamburg-action-plan-en.pdf
                  5.  Inter-Agency Group on Economic and Financial Statistics (2017). Update
                      on the Data Gaps initiative and the outcome of the Workshop on Data
                      Sharing. Retrieved 31 July 2018 from
                  6.  Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of the
                      International Network for Exchanging Experience on Statistical Handling
                      of Granular Data (INEXDA) (2018). Retrieved 31 July 2018 from
                  7.  Schönberg, T. (2018). Data Access to Micro Data of the Deutsche
                      Bundesbank, Technical Report 2018-01, Deutsche Bundesbank, Research
                      Data and Service Centre.

                  Appendix: List of INEXDA members and INEXDA guests
                      INEXDA  members  are  institutions  that  have  signed  the  MoU.  INEXDA
                      •   Banca d’Italia
                      •   Banco Central de Chile
                      •   Banco de España

                  8  as of 12 October 2018
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