Page 320 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 320

IPS155 Emily W. et al.
                      Because of its sensitive nature, microdata are always subject to protection
                  of confidentiality of individual observations. Metadata about microdata also
                  have  to  adhere  to  the  same  high  standards  when  it  comes  to  protecting
                  confidentiality. INEXDA’s metadata system is designed to address these issues.

                                    1    Resource Type
                                    2    Resource Identifier

                                    3    Name of Dataset
                                    4    Creator
                                    5    DOI Proposal

                                    6    URL

                                    7    Language of Resource
                                    8    Publication Date
                                    9    Availability

                                    10   Sampled Universe

                                    11   Sampling
                                    12   Temporal Coverage

                                    13   Time Dimension
                                    14   Collection Mode

                                    15   Unit Descriptions
                                    16   Descriptions

                                    17   Geographical Coverage
                                    18   Keywords

                                    19   Alternative Identifiers
                                    20   Relations

                                    21   Publications

                                  Table 1: The INEXDA metadata scheme
                  4.2 Evaluating tools to support INEXDA’s harmonisation process
                     While the highest priority is given to completing the inventory of available
                  data described in 4.1, the investigation of harmonisation possibilities at other
                  levels of the data lifecycle (eg access procedures and registration processes)
                  remains  an  important  task  in  the  current  INEXDA  work  programme.
                  Standardised software applications could be a way forward, as these would
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