Page 322 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 322

IPS155 Emily W. et al.
                  statistics, INEXDA will benefit from national and international experiences to
                  shape  the  outcome  of  this  work  stream.  In  the  context  of  INEXDA,  and
                  following  up  on  a  survey  of  the  Working  Group  of  Statistical  information
                  Management (WGSIM) of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) on
                  national central banks’  (NCBs)  approaches to granting external researchers
                  access  to  confidential  data  for  research  purposes,  Emily  Witt  and  Jannick
                  Blaschke  (ECB)  conducted  interviews  with  several  central  banks
                  (Oesterreichische  Nationalbank,  Deutsche  Bundesbank,  Banco  de  España,
                  Banque de France, Banca d’Italia, De Nederlandsche Bank, Banco de Portugal,
                  Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, Bank of England, European Central
                  Bank) and Eurostat. The result is an overview  of selected NCBs’ and Eurostat’s
                  approaches to providing access to non-published granular data for research
                  purposes that complements other work in this area.
                      Besides  international  experiences,  national  experiences  are  helpful  in
                  identifying the best practices with regard to access to microdata. For example,
                  the  Deutsche Bundesbank  recently  provided  an  overview  of  the  microdata
                  access procedures used, where three different user groups of microdata have
                  been  identified  (internal  analysts,  internal  researchers,  and  external
                  researchers). The paper (Schönberg (2018)) described different access modes
                  for each user group in detail. A unit called Internal Service for Micro Data
                  Analysis handles internal analysts’ data access requests following a multilevel
                  approach  (modelled  after  the  European  System  of  Central  Banks  (ESCB)
                  standard approach).
                      At  the  end  of  August  2018,  INEXDA  will  likely  start  a  working  group
                  focusing  on  best  practices  on  how  data  users  could  be  allowed  to  access
                  granular data once they have completed the accreditation process and have
                  signed all relevant contracts. The task of this working group is to take stock of
                  existing models of data provision used by INEXDA members. Possible topics
                  may include:
                      •  data  access  via  secure  access  facility  and/or  remote  access  (eg
                         technical design and specifications of limitations);
                      •  anonymisation of methodologies and tools;
                      •  provision of services to external researchers (eg provision of standard
                         or ad hoc data sets, linkage of various data sets, upload of external
                         data sets, access to licensed data sets);
                      •  provision of analytical tools and allowing/facilitating code sharing.

                  6  The participating interviewees agreed to share the results with INEXDA members and guests.
                  7  For example, the “Guidelines for the assessment of research entities, research proposals and
                  access  facilities”  (Luxembourg,  November  2016)  from  the  European  Commission,  Eurostat,
                  Directorate B: Methodology; Corporate statistical and IT services, Unit B-1: Methodology and
                  corporate architecture, or the results from the FP7 project “Data without Boundaries” (DwB, see
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