Page 353 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 353

IPS164 Sam N.

                          Birth registration: An essential element for the
                                  individual and for government
                                           F. Sam Notzon
                 Director, International Statistics Program, National Center for Health Statistics, CDC

            Birth registration establishes the identity of the individual, is a requirement
            for many government services (education, health services, etc.), and provides
            data useful for researchers, government and others. The article describes the
            importance  of  birth  registration  for  the  individual  and  others,  considers
            measures to improve birth registration completene  ss  in  low-  and  middle-
            income countries, and cites various applications of birth registration data.
            The focus of the proposed improvement measures is on reasonable-cost,
            sustainable improvements for low-resource countries.

            Civil registration; birth registration; vital statistics

            1.  Introduction
                According to the United Nations, birth registration is required to establish
            the identity of the individual and to safeguard individual rights to social status
            and  benefits.  Birth  registration  is  best  assured  through  a  civil  registration
            system, that is, the continuous, permanent and compulsory recording of the
            occurrence and characteristics of all vital events, in accordance with the laws
            of each country.  Once collected, this information on births is used to produce
            legally valid birth certificates and birth statistics. The characteristics of birth
            registration within a civil registration system – continuity, permanence and
            universality  –  make  it  extremely  useful  in  addressing  the  individual  and
            governance  needs  of  a  country.  Consequently,  all  developed  and  most
            developing  countries  ensure  registration  of  births  via  a  civil  registration

            2.  Advantages of birth registration
                As noted, birth registration is important for both the individual and the
            state. Birth registration and the subsequent issuance of a birth certificate are
            crucial elements in establishing the identity of the individual. Birth certificates
            provide  proof  of  place  of  birth  and  parentage,  information  essential  in

              1  United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistics Division. Principles and
              Recommendations  for  a  Vital  Statistics  System.  Statistical  Papers,  Series  M,  No.  19/Rev  3.
              United Nations, New York, 2014.
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