Page 357 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 357

IPS164 Sam N.
                                 Barriers to Birth Registration
             6.  Parents may opt to skip registration of the birth and wait until the child is old enough to apply
                for a national identification card.
             7.    Barriers related to the registration system:
             1.  The family may be part of a marginalized population, such as an Indigenous group, that is not
                well served by the civil registration system.
             2.  Registration fees, may discourage parents from registering a birth.
             3.  The civil registration system may not allow the registration of a birth to an unmarried mother..
             4.  Requirements for the delayed registration of a birth may be so onerous that the parents are not
                able or are unwilling to complete the registration process.
             5.  Registrars who are frequently absent from their office may prevent parents from registering a
                recent birth, particularly if the child dies during this interval and the parent assumes registration is
                no longer necessary.
             6.  Birth notification forms completed at the hospital may be lost during transfer to the local
                registration office.
             7.  Hospital staff may refuse to forward the notification form to the local civil registration office
                until the family pays the hospital bill for delivery care.

            6.  Solutions
                Useful solutions are those that produce a positive result and are within the
            means  of  the  country  to  sustain.  Expensive,  donor-driven  activities  may
            produce a short-term gain but will not be sustainable. There are a number of
            solutions  available  to  address  barriers  to  birth  registration,  none  of  them
            perfect and some requiring outside assistance to initiate. These solutions will
            be addressed in turn, with discussion of the pros, cons and potential impact
            of each on the birth registration system.
                Comprehensive assessment of civil registration system. An approach that
            has  proved  successful  for  civil  registration  improvement  is  to  begin  with  a
            comprehensive assessment of the system.  International organizations and other
            groups have published detailed guidelines on comprehensive assessments and
            many  organizations  are  promoting  these  assessments  in  low-  and  medium-
            resource countries.  The assessments serve to identify major system problems
            or  barriers,  and  by  organizing  workshops  to  discuss  the  results  can  assure
            agreement across government on the changes needed.
                Amend  registration  law  to  facilitate  birth  registration.  Changes  to
            registration  law  could  address  a  number  of  the  barriers  mentioned  above:
            deputizing  health  personnel  or  others  to  provide  information  legally
            acceptable  as  the  basis  for  birth  registration;  removing  registration  fees;
            removing onerous requirements for delayed registration of births; ensuring
            that  births  to  unmarried  mothers  are  registered;  ensuring  that  alternative

              5  World Health Organization. Improving the quality and use of birth, death and cause-of-
              death  information:  guidance  for  a  standards-based  review  of  country  practices.  WHO,
              Geneva, 2010.
              6  United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. Improving National Civil Registration
              and Vital Statistics Systems in Africa. Volume 1: Guideline for Conducting Comprehensive
              Assessments of National Systems. UNECA, Addis Ababa, 2016.
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